Third Time's A Charm

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They say that third time's a charm,

so Mona you really like going here on a weekend and early in the morning?

Fortunately, I love mornings so I take morning shifts.

I would have my day off usually on a Sunday but I just felt like it going to work,

hoping that I would see you entering the shopin slow motion and finally staring and smiling at me.

What a coincidence just as I was thinking about you, there you are in a sweatshirt and track pants with a look and aura that feels like I just woke up and I need my caffeine boost.

Asusual I asked for your drink, "Iced caramel macchiato 25% for Mona?"

You look cute when you are yawning Mona, did you know that?

You responded with a sleep voice,"Hot caramel macchiato this time and a plate of pancake with bacon, also thistime I'm paying" You said that with a smile and giggle like it's our insidejoke, just the two of us knowing.

"Okay one caramel macchiato and pancakes with bacon! Anything else Mona?" I asked.

"Well I'll be dining here as I've got nothing to dothis Sunday anyways." She shared to me.

"Alright then, have a good day Mona!" I then bid her farewell.

After taking her orders Mona sat near a window where the sunlight shined in hear face,

if thisis the view I get to see every Sunday then I'll be okay to work overtime between my day off.

I didn't want anyone else talking to you so when I noticedthat you were finished eating I was the one to clean your table, "I hoped you enjoyed our food here."

Those hazel eyes of yours that were lost in the moment were mesmerizing, I could stare at them all day.

Waking up from your daydream you smiled again at me and said, "Well I might become a regular here if you don't mind? I might explore your menu." You winked at me after that,

winking should be illegal for you as you have those killer eyes Mona.

The thoughts ofyou becoming a regular here, means that you want to enter my world. I'm not goingto risk losing you,

so I had to be bold and quite flirtatious, "If you plan onentering my caffeinated home and become a regular let me at least get your number, so that you can give me a heads up on your drink if you're in a rush."

Bold move Jules, maybe even a dumb idea. She's going to find me creepy thistime.

You just laughed and said, "Here's my phone, put your number on it andgive it a ring."

You actually handed me your phone and didn't find it creepy, I'mactually making progress here. So I typed in my number and called myself, afterthat I returned your phone.

You typed in something and showed me your phone,"I'm going to add you on my contacts as July, so I can fulfill your parents wish for a daughter!"

You were really laughing when you saved my number on your contacts. I'm panicking already, how do I flirt back?

So I just responded witha generic comeback, "Well I'll save you as Mona on my contacts!"

You just giggled and said, "I don't mind as you keep it between the two of us."

After that you drank your coffee and bid me farewell.

You opened the door looked back and shouted at me, "I'll be seeing you Jules!"

Then you closed the door, with only the music from the shop keeping me company again.

You'll be seeing me alright Mona,

I'm pretty sure that you want me too,

you will want me too and fall in love with me.

We are going to be a couple Mona,

just you wait for it

The Coffee Shop (A Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now