Late Night Walks and Talks

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I got the new part timer to cover my remaining hour so that I could finally be with Mona.

I've prepared my signature spaghetti and meatball sided with my killer garlic and for dessert our signature blueberry cheesecake. The best you could do to make someone fall for you is the way you cook, so I took my time learning to cook.

You look beautiful at that table Mona, with your scrunched up face while studying.

I took out my phone and shot a picture of you, as you look peaceful in your own world of books and highlighters.

I prepared the tray and walked at your table when I noticed that you are almost finished studying.

I put the foods in your table and I could see your astonished look, "Dinners on me. Don't worry it's my treat, plus I cooked this meal." I proudly told Mona with pride in my voice.

"You really have a way don't you Jules? Feed me more and I might just live here forever. Thank you for this wonderful evening Jules, I really mean it." She said It with sincerity in her voice.

I responded, "Well enough gratitude for today let's eat and enjoy this evening!"

As the evening went on Mona and I talked about our lives, even if I knew some of it from her social media accounts. We shared our dreams and goals, this moment with you Mona is really sincere and open; like a poet lending his favorite fountain pen with the risk of it being dropped.

I wish that this moment can last longer but the café's already closing down.

I thought the night is over but you said to me, "Jules can you walk me home? I still think we can talk more about our favorite painter and poet as you walk me home."

Maybe you are liking me also Mona?

I asked her then, "If that's okay with you, being with me awhile longer. I'm down for a walk."

She giggled and said, "I want to Jules and really I want to hear more from you."

This evening keeps on getting better then.

The moon is shining bright tonight; this is the best time to be alive when you have a beautiful girl beside you walking down the street.

When I did my research I know that your place is like 20 minutes away from a walking distance, so I hope I can get to know you more Mona; the real you and not the one on social media.

I don't think we'll be arriving in your place at 20 minutes, you are such a goof while walking and you spun around street lamps like a child. If I could have this moment every night with you, I don't want to take this moment for granted. I'll never forget the moment when we were just talking about our favorite author, how you held my hand and slid your fingers in between mine; how could something this precious be holding my hand?

Mona continued to talk on how famous author used pen and paper to make their masterpiece, "I'm telling you Jules, without Stephen Kings accident he might not have used at least 4 Waterman Hémisphere on writing Dreamcatcher."

I remember how she told me earlier about Anne Frank and her story. "I liked mostly how fountain pens shaped history too, when you told me how Anne Frank used a fountain for her journal though I forgot what pen she used." I said that to just tease her as I know she loves those expensive pens.

"Oh my Jules, it's called a Montblanc! I promise you one day I'll write a famous novel with a Montblanc Meisterstück 149!" She is really excited and loud when it comes to those things.

A few more minutes of walking we were closing by her place and I just don't want this night to end yet.

I know how to make this longer, Vincent van Gogh one her favorite painters; I did research on him and how he knew he was sick and asked for help so that he could make more beautiful paintings without his demons tormenting him.

So i asked her, "Mona what is your critique on Vincent van Gogh's art when he was sick and after he got treatment on his mental health?"

She answered me with a wide smile on her face, "If I knew much from people who suffer is that it is never easy and we shouldn't be mocking them on their suffering. Vincent van Gogh is truly an amazing person all throughout his life. Pain maybe a good inspiration, but romanticizing it is not a good idea."

We reached her apartment and I knew at this point I have to bid her farewell, but there is a slight twinge in my chest on the thought of leaving.

Mona spoke as we reached her door step, "Well this is my place Jules, thanks for walking me home and for the wonderful company this evening. I had a great time talking with you."

I'll be frank, the moon is beautiful and shining above us, the wind is a bit chilly tonight and I could see it in her eyes sparkling with joy; so I did something risky and I hope it doesn't ruin what we have now. "Thank you Mona, for the wonderful exchange of ideas and perspective. I really think it was worth it waking up early the first time I met you."

I can feel that she feels the same too.

So I held her cheeks and I looked into those hazel eyes much closer now,

I close my eyes slowly with our faces getting closer to each other I finally kiss her.

It was what I have imagined kissing her, under the moonlight with just the two of us.

Mona kissed me back I cannot believe it, she held me closer and kissed me much more passionately. We stopped once we were out of breath,

I looked into her eyes again and spoke, "God why are you so beautiful Mona? You make my heart beat as if I had too much coffee."

She smiled after saying that and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "Well Jules, I feel the same. It looks like you are the coffee I'll be needing now and every morning."

I was left speechless so it was Mona who spoke again, "Well I'll be going inside now Jules. Thank you for this evening again, text me when you get home okay?"

I still can't believe that Ramona Ridley likes me too.

My obsessive side has disappeared back there.

I swear that I'll do everything for you Mona.

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