who's ready to take some revenge

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Chapter 15 ( who's ready to take some revenge?)

Suddenly I felt myself being thrown on to the bed. I knew this wasn't a good sign. " Chris. Please." I started between tears. He was rushing towards the door and I knew he was going to do something stupid.

He stopped then looked to me with anger in his eyes. I've never saw him like this before. His eyes were full of anger, sadness, sympathy.

He turned back again and started walking downstairs. I stood up and followed him using my crutches. I won't allow my brother to put himself in trouble because of his worthless sister. He walked to the front door. I ran after him until we were both out of the house. He was walking towards the car when I held his hands

He looked at me and then his eyes started to soften at the sight. I was fully in tears. " Please let's just sort this out. Don't so something stupid" I begged him looking into his eyes. Chris was pale he ignored me then completed his way to the car. " Chris you promised me" that was my last hope. I know that Chris never broke a promise.

He looked back at me then sighed nodding his head slowly. I quickly ran to him and hugged him as tight as I can. " Thanks.." I whispered to him. He hugged me back then lifted me up and started walking to the house that's when we saw Sam crying at the front door.

I quickly jumped of Chris's arm and ran towards my twin brother. " SAM " I yelled as I ran to him Chris behind. He was crying so hard. I hugged him with nervousnes filling my veins.

" What happened " I asked looking him in the eye. And that's when Chris spoke " it's Alex isn't it" he asked with an empty expression.

Sam looked at him then nodded slowly. At this moment I lost it. HOW COULD HE COME NEAR MY BROTHER! I don't care about what he does to me. I DON'T give a shit about him beating the fuck out of me anymore. All I care about is how dare that bastard hurt my brother.

I formed my hand into a grip as tears escaped my eye. Chris's face expression made me feel that he was capable of killing someone.

Sam ran into Chris's arm and started crying. I looked behind me to see the most heart breaking seen ever. Sam was crying in Chris's chest while a tear escaped Chris's eye. I was shocked I never saw him cry before except when mom and dad died.

I quickly ran inside and blow off on the ground. Why did Alex have to change so much. Why did he do this? WHY DID HE HURT MY BROTHER?! I kept crying until I felt a strong arm rap around me.

" Shhhh don't cry " Chris said stroking my hair. I looked him in the eyes. His eyes were Misty but full of anger. Sam came from beside me and hugged me tightly. " Hey princess don't cry" Sam said smirking. He knew I hated them calling me princess.

" I'm not crying Samb-" before I could complete Sam stood up and raised his hands in the air as if he surrendered. "Ok ok you win" he said chuckling.

I chuckled back. Chris was smiling a small smile. I hugged him. " Hey everything will be ok" I said pulling back. He smiled then stood up clapping his hands. " Ok enough hugs who's ready to take some revenge" he said smirking. Me and Sam looked at each other then at the same second we both yelled: " MEEE" we ended up all laughing our butts off.

Chris held the both of us then started walking to the backyard. Sam and I sat there not knowing what did Chris have in mind. " Ok so here's the plan" he said and started telling us the plan.

! After Telling The Plan !

" Ooh I didn't know you were that smart Chris " I said chuckling. To be honest I was still bothered from the fact that Alex had hurted my brother. But Chris tried as much as he can to lift our mood up.

He left to bring us some juice before we go to bed. it's been a really really messed up week.

If your wondering about Alex. He left when Chris entered the room while me and Sam were "arguing"..

I looked to Sam and saw him looking to the floor with a frown. I swear if I had a chance to kill Alex I won't hesitate. I punched Sam's shoulder playfully.

Suddenly he screamed from pain. Well not that loud but you get me.
I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Sam.." I started looking at him. He seemed to regret that reaction he gave me when I punched him. " Are you ok" I asked looking at him worriedly.

He smiled at me then nodded. I knew he was lying so I stood up and lifted his sleeve up. He had somehow a panicking look. After I reached his shoulder I gasped. I looked at him with disbelief.

His shoulder was bruised awfully and it had dried blood all over it. Anger filled me just at the thought that Alex did this. " Claire... I can explain" he said looking at me quickly. My eyes started to fill with tears my poor brother HOW DARE ALEX?! Who knows what else did he do to him.

" It was.." he started pulling his knees to his chest. " A while ago.. Alex started getting mad at me for literally nothing. And he was beating me up. It was actually painful but I didn't want to tell you guys afraid that he'll get even more mad at me" as soon as he finished I hugged him with love and sympathy. " I swear I'm going to kill Alex" I muttered under my breath.

I heard Sam chuckle a little beside me. " Well..... We need to heal your shoulder what do you think" I said smiling and tilting my head a little to the side. He smiled then stood up. I struggled to stand up with that stupid cast around my legs. Sam helped me stand up. I thanked him then we made our way to the kitchen were Chris was pouring some juice to some cups.

" Hey big boo" I said chuckling knowing he hates this nickname. "Haha very funny" he said sarcastically

" Ok ok look where is the first aid kit" I asked. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. " It's Sam. He got a bruise on his shoulder" I said pointing my thumb at him. " Let me see the bruise" Chris asked coming closer to Sam. Sam shot me a quick glare then showed Chris his bruise.

Chris looked at it with wide eyes. "Umm ok.. look I'll help him myself Claire" he said checking the bruise out while Sam flinches. " Sorry" Chris said. They both walked to Chris's bedroom. I followed them still angry at Alex. But the plan that Chris thought of made me wait till karma hits Alex badly.

All we need to do is wait....


Hello Bello !!

So do you guys have any thoughts on what the plan is?? Please if you have any comment them down 😊

Thanks for you support 💜💛💙💚

WinkyFairy outttttt !!!

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