9/11 Poem By : Brian

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Did you remeber?

The Eleventh of September.

The Year 2001.

Me i won't forget that day.

When we lost.

And they won.

Airplanes where had flyed.

Crashing through the Twin Towers that so many people died.

Lots of friends and families cried.

Why hearing it on tv we were all sad and we sighed

So much damaged was done.

But the most damaged occured was the damage are heart took when a love one was gone.

For others life was never fun.

And for the mens that died never even got to know their own son.

Did you remeber?

The Eleventh of September.

The Year 2001.

Me i will never forget that day.

How we all felt.

Not only the horror.

But also anger.

While we want to find who was behind this.

And hang them like a hanger.

We did had plenty of warnings.

Of the threat that was Usama Bin Laden.

We failed trying to keep track.

And it showed how easy it was for us to get attack.

We took the huge blow.

And we bounced right back.

A sad and angry day.

There was lots of talks and apologies.

And time to move on and prepare fo the unexpected.

Failure to communicate!’ 

After which we vowed 

Never to repeat the mistake 

Did you remeber?

The Eleventh of September.

The Year 2001.

Never forgot that day.

That week when we all united.

When we all had fighted.

And which are love ones where better protected.

But we may have loss.

But yet it is to become a won.

 - X1Beware1x

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