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        I arrive at the HAUTE shoot thirty minutes early. Lennox is already in hair and make-up inside the XIOUX studios. I wait outside to meet with one of Nina's stylist who sent over two racks of clothes as back up. I find an intern and ask them to roll in the new racks of clothes as well as the boxes of menswear from my car. I hand over four different iced latte's to another intern and follow them inside to Lennox.

        Lennox is sitting in a make-up chair, arms folded, like a toddler who won't eat vegetables. Her shoulder length hair is pale pink and cut like shards of glass. Eyes light blue. Lennox is stunning. In my research, I learned that her mother is Thai and was a supermodel, turned mom-ager. Father was a Greek photographer, one of many flings from mom's supermodel career. From what I gleaned online Greek daddy was more of a sperm donor. I motion the intern to set down the lattes.

        "Guy!" Lennox jumps out of her seat and begins to talk in rapid fire. I focus hard to take in the storm.

        "Oh it's just been a mess, and nobody fucking knows what they are doing, right? And the rumors. The rumors! I promise I'm not a diva, but this is a total invasion of privacy, you know? Like, I'm legit scared. And stressed. I'm so stressed, and I'm supposed to start filming like yesterday. I'm so glad you're here! James told me you are the best. Is that an iced-soy-extra shot-sugar-free vanilla latte?"

        "One of them is, yes." I hand her the correct latte.

        "Oh my god! I love you. I'm a mess. I'm tired, I have a headache, and I left my meds in the wrong purse..."

        I reach into my backpack and set Advil, Tylenol, migraine pills, and Adderall on the make-up counter.


        An hour later Lennox has vetoed every clothing option from HAUTE. We find two options in the rack Nina sent over for me, but  I can tell Lennox is not happy. I do not judge. My goal is to get my client what they need.

        "I wanted to do something different," Lennox says multiple times.

        I show Lennox two boxes of menswear that Nina gifted me. Lennox lights up and we pick out four looks. Jeans and a t-shirt. Men's button-down shirt as a dress. The shoot becomes an, I just woke up and threw on my boyfriends' clothes- theme. Lennox even shoots in an oversized hoodie and boxer shorts.  

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