Chapter 5

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You looked on as the maze doors began to close. Newt was standing there, staring with a worried look on his face. He was completely silent, as if he was too shocked to say anything. Shouts were coming from the other gladers as you took up more speed, no matter how bad it hurt. You had to get back to the glade.

"COME ON, GEORGE! WE GOTTA GET THERE!" You yelled for him to pick up speed.


Without warning, the doors closed, and you rammed into them. You had been so close. So damn close. You slumped against the wall and heaved a sigh.

"Klunk," You said, wiping sweat from your face.

"It's ok, Y/N. We can do this!" George stayed as perky as ever. Shucking typical.

You sat there and caught your breath for a minute, but then you heard a familiar noise.

whirrr, click click.

You took a deep breath, and ran at a full sprint in the opposite direction. You heard footsteps around the corner. Another one. They were surrounding you. It was too late to go anywhere. There were no holes in the wall to hide in. You'd have to use your last resort: fighting.

"George, I need you to pull out your knife and get ready, okay?"

"Y/N," he began, voice shaking with fear, "what are we doing?"

"Fighting. We don't have any other option."

You could see them now. Grievers. Their ugly, slimy bodies crawling closer to you with every second. Then, one attacked. The rest followed. You stabbed at the green flesh and slid underneath one of them. You ran, and didn't look back.

Not long after, you realized something. George hadn't followed you. But you couldn't stop. The grievers were still back there, and you might die if you go back. You keep running until your legs are about to give out. Then, you go to find some slime from a griever. You covered yourself in it to mask the smell of human.

Then, you cut some ivy down and put it into a pile above you as the grievers calm down. You couldn't see much outside of the plants, but you could still listen and find out whether or not a griever was there.

It took a few hours, but they did die down a bit. When they did, you stood up and shook the ropes off. Then, you raced back down the way you had come from, and eventually came back to the spot where the grievers had attacked. George was still there. But what you saw wasn't the George you knew. It was his body.

He had been stabbed by a griever. There were dried tears on his pale face, and a pool of blood circled his body. It was getting bright, and the doors would be opening soon. You put his arm around your shoulders and held on to his waist, walking towards the doors.

Once they came into sight, they were just barely opening. When they were about halfway, you saw Newt there. He was waiting for you. You blushed at the thought of him staying there all night. Once you got through the doors, you laid George down on the moist dirt beside the maze entrance.

"What happened to him?" Newt asked, kneeling down by you.

"We were attacked by grievers. I managed to get away and hide, but..." you trailed off, staring at George's limp body. You began to cry, remembering how he was one of your best friends. He was like a brother to you.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. It wasn't your fault, love," he said as he pulled you into a hug. You returned it and cried into his chest. More gladers surrounded you, and they all looked just as distraught.

Newt walked you to your hammock after you ate breakfast, and kissed you on the forehead. "Things will be better when you wake up. I promise," he whispered. Then everything faded away.


You looked at Newt, remembering everything that happened on the night George died. He shook his head, noting to you not to say anything about it.

"That's terrible. I'm sure George was an amazing person." That was all you could think of to say.

"Yeah. Wait, did you just say was?"

"I meant is. I do that all the time, hate myself for it!" you said, faking a laugh.

WICKED had taken so much away from everyone. You noticed a mexican man come out of the tent with a large backpack full of blankets and water.

"You guys ready to go?" he said.

"Ready as we'll ever be," said Minho.

"Who's the new senorita?"

"That's Y/N," Brenda answered.

"Y/N? Runner Y/N? Survived a night in the maze Y/N?" Yes, it is. Why was this guy so in awe?

"That's me!" you said proudly.

"Welcome back to the team, hermana. I'm Jorge. Glad to see we actually have some talent now!" Huh. He was almost as sarcastic as Minho.

"Okay, now that we're all acquainted, can we leave? I wanna get out of here before we get caught running away," Frypan added.

"Let's go, then." This came from Thomas.

You were running through the night, but you got tired after running for about an hour. You were just outside the city now, but you would need rest before taking WICKED tomorrow. You climbed halfway up the walls until you found a balcony to stay on. You used Dr Christensen's key card to open a door and got out into the city, staying on the balcony. You and Jorge started passing out blankets from your packs, and everyone settled down in them.

Newt volunteered to take first watch, so you stayed up with him for a little while and talked. Eventually, you did get tired, so you lied down and Newt pulled your head onto his lap and started to play with your hair. You looked out at the bright lights of the city, thinking of how amazing it was going to be to give WICKED a taste of karma, before succumbing to sleep.

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