Chapter 8

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In the morning, you left immediately for WICKED headquarters. Teresa wasn't happy about getting up early, but she knew she had no choice.

When you got there, Thomas escorted her in and you fell in line a few minutes later. You were all disguised as WICKED guards so that you could get in easily. Teresa led you around and you stopped at an elevator soon after Minho joined you. Just as the doors started to close, Janson slid in.

Hello, ratman. Vengeance burned in your heart as you thought about how they had taken Newt. Your fist balled up at the thought.

"You're in early, Teresa," he said.

"I just figured I should be here to help out as early as I can since we're so close to the cure."

There was an awkward silence as the elevator went up. It felt like ages had passed when you finally reached the floor where both the cure and Newt were waiting. The reason they were both in the same place was because they had to test it on Newt. You were so glad about being able to see him again soon. You may have only been apart for part of a night, but every second you spent without him felt like a century.

The elevator stopped, and you four walked out of it. Minho walked the other way to go find the kids who were to go into the maze next and Teresa led you down a hallway straight ahead of you. After walking down this hallway for a little while, you saw Newt inside of a small, dimly lit room. He was on an exam table, and there were some nurses by him.

"It's not working. The virus is slowing a little bit, but it's still not a cure," you heard one of them say.

They still hadn't found a way to get the stupid virus out. Teresa led you into the room and called for lunch. Everyone else left the room except for you, Minho, Newt, and Thomas.

"Why are you guys staying back?" Newt asked.

You took off your helmet and let your H/C hair swish a little bit. "We're getting you out," you said as Thomas and Minho took theirs off.

"Y/N?" he said, running to hug you.

"Hey. We can reunite later, for now we need to go."

Then, you were suddenly interrupted by a loud boom echoing across the hall. You went out of the room to see fire racing toward you from the end of the hallway. Well, that's just great, you thought as you rushed down the hall, looking for the quickest way out. You sneaked down a stairwell, and tried to tell the cranks that had broken into the city and were now setting fire to WICKED that there was no reason for it. Apparently they hadn't cared.

It didn't matter though, you had to get away from the fire. Even though it was relatively small, it could still spread. All of a sudden, you collapsed. Newt saw this and immediately ran over to you.

"What's wrong, love?"

"My.. ankle..." you managed.

"Klunk." He lifted your pant leg to show that all of the veins there were popping out. You were still in the middle of the stairwell. Newt had to make it to the cure.

"Go without me!"

"We're not leaving you. Help me get her up, guys."

Thomas and Newt slung their arms on your shoulders, and you slung yours on theirs. It slowed you down a bit, but you were only a few floors from the ground. Once you finally got outside, they let you down, as you could likely walk just fine on flat ground. You did, but you had a bit of a limp. At least now I match my boyfriend.

The rest of the group of cranks that weren't inside WICKED were outside. They were throwing torches, grenades, anything you could think of that was on fire, at the building. You scampered over behind some barricades, where they couldn't hurt you. You and Newt were both super worn out, and your minds were god-knows-where.

Then, you totally snapped. You weren't even sure what you were doing, it was like someone else had control of your body. You started grabbing at Minho's throat, and everything from then on seemed blurry. Just before everything faded, you saw Newt attacking Thomas.

Not long after, you got everything back. Minho had a tight hold on you, and you stopped trying to get out of his grasp.

"Minho, I-I'm sorry," you said, trying to take yourself back.

"It's ok, Y//N," he replied.

"Minho, I'm going to tell you to do something , but you're not going to like it."

"Yeah, of course, anything. What do you need?"

"Kill me."

"No way, I'm not doing that. I'm not giving up on you or Newt."

You looked up at the boy, who was also starting to calm down. He looked around, clearly as startled as you were when you first started to calm down.

"Tommy, kill me!" he said, clearly thinking the same thing you were. The group of cranks had left now, and you were all alone in front of the WICKED building, now consumed mostly by fire.

"Newt," Thomas replied.

"Please Tommy, please."

Then, everything was interrupted by an intercom turning on somewhere above you.

"Thomas? Can you hear me?" It was Teresa. "I know you have no reason to trust me. But we found a cure. You can save Y/N and Newt! The cure is in your blood. That's the reason why Brenda doesn't have the flare anymore. It's because you cured her. I'm coming to get you. I'm going to make sure they get to the safe haven."

A few minutes later, Teresa came out of the fire escape door you had come out of earlier. There were two syringes in her hand, and a needle to take blood in the other.

"Do it, Teresa," Thomas said.

She walked up to him and took some blood from his arm, placing it into the syringes. Then, she stuck one into Newt's forearm, and he scrunched his face up in pain. After he had gotten the cure, she came to you.

"This is going to sting for a few seconds," she said.

"Just give me the damn cure."

She injected it into your arm, and you had to say it did hurt a bit, but nothing could match what your ankle was experiencing. You breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that you were cured. Now, you went back into the burning building to meet Jorge and the others in the berg on the roof.

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