Chapter 7

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You and Newt went back up to the balcony, where everyone was waiting. You had taken off your tourniquet, making your wound visible. Newt had also made his visible by rolling up his sleeve.

"What happened?" Brenda said.

"You remember the crank's tunnel?" Newt replied. "This happened there."

"What's your crank story, Y/N?" asked Minho.

You told them about the pond and getting attacked.

"Now we've got three cranks on our hands, we really need that cure."

"So, we decided to go ahead and get Teresa to let us in," Thomas said. "I'll go out tonight and ask her. Y/N, Newt, you can help me take her if she doesn't agree to come with. Just make sure to hide."

"I'm in," you both said in unison.

"First, we should find a better place to stay than here. I've heard the cranks are going to try and break the wall down tonight." This came from Jorge. You should trust anything he said about cranks. After all, he had spent the past few years living with a bunch of them.

You spent the day looking for shelter in the city. Eventually, you found an abandoned building. It was really surprising to find that it still had electricity. You and the rest of the gladers took to the middle floor, getting anything useful you could find on the way. You found things like water bottles, dried food, and blankets. You even found bags to put your stuff in, so you no longer had to constantly hold a pillowcase. You found it convenient to wear a drawstring and have free hands for the first time in days.

Once you were ready to go, you folded up one of the now empty pillowcases and put it in your pocket. If you would have to kidnap Teresa, you might want to put something over her head. You did poke a few holes in it to be sure she didn't suffocate, that would certainly be bad.

It was night now, so Thomas headed out and went to the bus stop across the street from WICKED. You followed, but went to an empty alleyway nearby to hide with Newt. You went and hid up in some overhead rafters. Newt chuckled as you swung your legs over a bar and went upside down to look at him, making you eye level.

"What are you gonna do from there, love?" he questioned.

"I was thinking you could hide behind that column over there," you replied, pointing in the direction of what you were talking about, "and then come grab her arms from behind. Then, I'd drop down and put this pillowcase over her head."

"That's bloody brilliant. Little crazy, but brilliant."

"We're both crazy." You tilted your head and giggled. Then you heard footsteps, and your eyes widened. "Go hide, they're coming!" You went to a squat, avoiding the low ceiling above your head.

Surely enough, they were there about 30 seconds later. Thomas was behind her, so she didn't know exactly where he was.

"Hey, Teresa," he said.

"Thomas! What are you doing here?"

"Do you regret it?" You hoped she did. She was the reason you almost got sent back to the maze.

"Regret what?" Don't play dumb, you thought, you know exactly what he's talking about.

"What you did to us. Do you regret it?"

"I don't regret anything that means there's a bigger chance for a cure."

"Have you found the cure?"

"We're getting really close."

"I need you to show me to the cure."

"I can't Thomas. I'm sorry, really, it's just... It's supposed to be top secret."

Newt x Fem! reader- A Little CrankyWhere stories live. Discover now