Chapter 6

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You woke up to see Newt smiling down at you.

"Morning, love." His accent was so cute.

"Hey," you replied sleepily, "You didn't have to take watch all night."

"I didn't. I woke up Min to have him take watch. I just got up early."

"That makes sense." You sat up and stretched.

"You ready to face WICKED?"

"Hell yeah!"

He chuckled, then sighed. "I really hope we find a cure while we're in there."

"Me too."

You sat there talking for a bit while you waited for everyone to get up. When they finally did, you sat there for a minute and bettered your plan. WICKED had fired Dr Christensen, so she no longer had access. You'd have to find another way in.

Brenda was the first to voice her idea. "We could get Teresa to let us in and show us the cure."

"Well what if she says she won't let us in?" Thomas asked.

"Then we can threaten her. We have to make sure we get in."

"No. There's gotta be a better way."

Minho said, "Can you think of any other way?"

"Yes, actually, we can hack into the system."

"That's the problem, see, none of us know how to code and we don't have a computer."

Honest to God, Thomas was so stupid. That shank was making you so irritated right now. How could he think there was another way? What was his deal with the whole situation?

"Well it doesn't really matter much anyway, right? I mean, Teresa's the same girl who betrayed you, right?" Brenda piped in.

"I like the way this shank's talking," Minho said.

Then, you decided you couldn't hold it in anymore. "What, are you scared that your girlfriend's going to get hurt?" you said as you stood up.

"Y/N, what are you talking about?" Thomas stopped pacing and walked over to you.

"You still care about that lying slinthead, don't you?"

"No, I-"

Then Newt suddenly joined you in ganging up on him. "DON'T LIE TO MY GIRLFRIEND!" he said whilst pushing Thomas to the ground.

"What is wrong with you guys today? You on your periods or something?" Minho piped up.

"I-I'm sorry"

You grabbed your weapons and pillowcase full of food and medical supplies and you and Newt began climbing down into the city from the stairwell you accessed using the keycard. Then, you shut the door behind you. Tight.

You guys sat in silence at the bottom of the stairwell for a while. After a few minutes, Newt started talking.

"Have you ever wondered how I got my limp?"

"I know I've never asked you, but on the inside, I've been curious since you got it." Was Newt finally ready to tell you about what happened in the maze that day?


Newt POV

I'm getting so tired of this maze. All the other runners and I have been looking for a way out for about a year now, and what had we found? Nothing. Nothing at all. There is no way out. The creators are just shucking with our heads. The other gladers have enough to worry about. They would be much better off without me. Hell, it's likely they wouldn't even notice if I was gone.

Y/N's always so busy that she probably wouldn't notice that much. We're very close, so she would probably notice. But it would be cry a puddle and hop over it. Besides, what kind of chance is there that she loves me like I do her? She probably just loves me like a brother.

I'm starting to climb the ivy. Halfway up. That should do, these bloody walls are pretty tall anyways. If I climb all the way up, someone might come by and notice me. My heart feels as if it might jump straight out of my throat. I jump anyway. I'm trying to get myself hurt, right?

Then, something unexpected happens. I feel myself hit the ground, a wave of pain washing over me. I landed with my leg right underneath me. Shit. I'm alive. Normally, someone might say they're alive with joy and relief in their voice. I can't even say anything, I'm too distracted by the pain to think of something to say.

I can't help but cry out, and then Minho comes along the corner.

"What happened? Are you okay?" he said.

"I'm great, I just broke my bloody leg! Just, help me get to the med-jacks, please." Without another word, we were off.


I was in the med-jacks' hut. Y/N was sitting on the edge of my bed, watching Jeff put a cast on my leg.

"Newt, what happened?" she asked, worriedly.

I had to quickly make up an excuse. She couldn't know. None of them could know. "A griever picked me up and threw me." It sounded a bit dumb, but it was the only thing I could think of at the time, and it is a plausible reason.

"That's horrible. I'm just glad you survived. After losing George, I don't know what I'd have left if I lost you."

Great bloody job Newt, now you've got her crying. "You're alright, love. There'll be plenty more gladers that come up here for you to make friends with." Nervousness courses through my veins as I reach for her hand. But all she does when I grab it is squeeze it, and I release the breath I've been holding.

Maybe, just maybe, Y/N loves me back. That's a thought worth living for.


Second Person POV

You hugged Newt, and he hugged you right back.

"I can't believe you could even think about doing anything like that. Why is it that WICKED wanted to put us through so much hell when we're not even immune?" You said.

"I don't know. All I know is that we need to make sure they pay for what they've done. To us. To everyone who's ever had to go through the trials. You ready to go back and tell them?" You were nervous about revealing the fact that you were a crank, but you knew it had to be done. You always did what was necessary.

"Let's go."

Newt x Fem! reader- A Little CrankyWhere stories live. Discover now