Loadout Upgrading (Part 2)

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As they progressed deeper into the cave, Marie began to get an unsettling feeling.

"Are you positive there's nothing down here?" She asked Rukhar.

"Not entirely, but I'm pretty sure." Rukhar replied. "But I have my bow pre-loaded just in case."

Marie took out her gun and slung it over her shoulder in response.

"Guys! I found some cool rocks again!" Callie said, up ahead.

Rukhar looked over. "I can't see them, what do they look like?"

"Kinda wet... And rainbow colors!" Callie said.

Rukhar's heart stopped for a moment.

"What is it, Rukhar?" Marie asked, seeing his expression change.

"Run. Now." He said, turning. But there was no easy escape.

"Aaaah holy squid the hell is that?" Marie yelled, grabbing her gun.

"A huge problem." Said Rukhar. "I hunt big creatures, but these are a bit much, when I'm not in close quarters."

The creature in question was easily 12 feet tall, had 2 heads, both with a mane of sharp crystals. Rainbow saliva dripped from the left heads mouth, and the right on watched where it fell carefully. It stood on four legs, each very stocky and 5 feet long, and had a long tail with more sharp crystals forming barbs on the end of it. The right head roared loudly, forcing Rukhar and Marie to cover their ears, and attracting Callie.

"Hey guys, what is going....." She trailed off.

"Gem Hydra." Rukhar said. "Full grown, rainbow quartz. The toughest kind besides Diamond."

"How do we kill it?" Marie asked.

"With a lot of patience." Rukhar said. He slowly loaded a poison arrow. Marie began charging an ice shot.

Callie went to get her hammer, but Rukhar said "No! Any sudden moves and he will attack, the right head is already mad."

"Can we tame him? He's so cool!" Callie said.

"Only babies, and even they are very hard to handle." Rukhar said.

"So we shoot for a weak spot." Said Marie.

Rukhar slowly aimed his shot at the throat of the left head. "Aim there. We gotta keep that head from spitting or we are totally screwed."

Marie nodded, and turned her aim.

"On the count of three, Callie will draw her hammer, and we will shoot. Ok?"

"Got it." Marie and Callie replied, nervous.

"1...2...3!" Rukhar said, firing. Marie followed suit a quarter of a second later, and Callie drew her hammer. In the split second before the shots landed, the Hydras heads both tipped slightly back, showing their throats a little better. Both shots hit their marks, and the left head coughed violently, spraying the pent up saliva everywhere.

"Duck!" Rukhar said.

Everyone hit the floor, as gobs of the stuff flew over their heads.

"Up and run!" Rukhar said.

Marie took several more ice shots at the Hydras legs to slow it down, and the group backed up to make space.

The right head growled in pure rage, and the beast began to charge. Rukhar loaded one of his spare short swords into the bow, and fired it at the heart of the beast. The sword cracked from the impact, and barely left any purchase on the Hydras tough armor.

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