Surprising Examination (Part 2)

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The group got in a bit of practice, before the announcement to report in groups to the warp bridge was called.

"Where is that?" Asked Marie.

"Sounds hella dank." Said Agent 4.

"Dammit Jay, you poisoned him now..." Thought Rukhar.

"No I didn't." Said Jay. "He chose that path himself."

"What path are we choosing?" Asked Callie.

"Just to..." Jay began before Rukhar yelled "Nothing no it was nothing nothing is going on let's go guys Rago lead the way you've gone before right?"

"Hmm..." Thought Frozo. "I don't think I want to know..."

"Y-yes, I have. I guess this is it. I don't know what you get for passing, honestly." Said Rago.

"What do you mean?" Asked Agent 3.

"All exams have prizes for those who pass." Said Rago. "But big tests often have obscure, but cool prizes."

"Like what?" Asked Marie.

"I just said they are obscure. But last year in a Battle Royale tourney, the winner got a V7 hovercycle." Said Rago. "And those things cost a fortune, over 1 million credits, for a defective one."

"Wow." Said Agent 3. "But what's a Battle Royale?"

Rukhar hastily covered Jay's mouth.

"It's a bunch of people in a bubble that shrinks overtime, and you gotta kill call the other players to win. Usually stuff is left erratically around, but sometimes you take your own gear in." Said Rago.

"Sounds fancy." Said Callie.

Rukhar reluctantly removed the hand.

"Thanks m8. I guess..." Said Jay.

"Just... Don't talk..." Said Rukhar. "Please..."

A short while later, they arrived at the warp bridge, which looked nothing like a bridge. Jacopo was outside a scary looking portal, calling teams in one by one.

"Just in time." Jacopo said. "4, your team is going in next, line up."

"How convenient..." Marie thought.

The group lined up. Then Jacopo told them to walk through the portal, and Axel would meet then on the other side.

They obliged, and found themselves in a barren desert wasteland, with ruins everywhere. Some had groups in front of them.

"Ok, you guys have dungeon 78N420W code 30JK329L." Said Axel. He snapped his fingers, and the group was teleported to their designated dungeon.

"The coordinates and code seems awfully deliberate..." Jay chuckled to himself.

They heard a voice in the breeze. It was clearly Chappa.

"Just a reminder. Do not enter the dungeon until we call go. Early entering parties will be heavily reprimanded, and given a legend tier Heroic dungeon to do for their cockiness."

"Sounds dangerous..." Thought Rukhar.

"Yeah..." Said Jay. "The high council members do those sometimes for stress relief. I hear only one at a time. But mostly people try with groups of 40 or more."

Rukhar was genuinely surprised that Jay could say important things.

"Get used to it. I'm the guy who's gonna avoid the traps." Said Jay.

"Traps!" Callie said, alarmed.

"Yeah, the dungeons have a handful of weak enemies, a few stronger ones, some traps, and a boss, with at least one special thing about it." Said Rago.

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