E.S. (Talents/Finals/Conditions)

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Besides skills, there are two other ability sets people can have.

Talents are passive abilities that work all the time. A list of major talents follows.

Cure: Immune to Poison.
Hardy: Immune to Weaken.
Steadfast: Immune to Guard Break.
Thick Skin: Immune to Bleeding.
Clarity: Immune to Blindness.
Radar: Immune to Deafened.
Iron Will: Immune to Stunned.
Magic Radiance: Immune to Silenced.
Fire Resistance: Resists heat.
Ice Resistance: Resists cold.
Blast Resistance: Resists Explosives.
Strike Resistance: Resists physical attacks.
Magic Resistance: Resists magic attacks.
Sound Mind: Resists Psychic attacks.
Toxic: Attacks cause Poison.
Concussive: Attacks cause Stun.
Depriving: Attacks cause Weakness.
Crushing: Attacks cause Guard Break.
Serrated: Attacks cause Bleeding.
*Barrier Break: Attacks destroy Barriers.
*Skill bind: Special Attacks can deactivate all enemy Talents, Finals, and Skills.
*Overload: Attacks stop Mana from recovering.
*Staunch: Attacks stop passive healing.
*Despirit: Attacks damage the enemies soul directly.

The "*" marks talents that are subject to magic law set 3. (More on this later.)

Conditions are status effects that have assorted effects.
Slowed: You are slowed down.
Speed: You are faster.
Weaken: Attacks are weaker.
Strength: Attacks are stronger.
Guard Break: Defense is lower.
Resistance: Defense is higher.
Bleeding: Deals low damage overtime.
Poison: Deals non-lethal damage over time.
Rotting: Deals high damage overtime.
Regeneration: Heals overtime.
Stun: Prevents actions.
Deafened: You can't hear.
Blinded: You can't see.
Missing Limb: Need I say more?
Silenced: Prevents Spellcasting.
Burning: Slight damage and defense reduction overtime.
Frozen: Obvious.
Petrified: Obvious.
Skill Bound: Cannot use spells, skills, talents, or finals.

Finals are special talents that occur when someone dies or is near death.
Frenzy: Triples attack, speed, and attack rate when under 10% health.
Disengage: Teleports away when reduced to 5% health.
Self Destruct: Deals massive damage to nearby enemies at death.
Last Stand: Revives at X% health X/4 times. Can have many levels.
Death Wish: Deals 100% Health and inflicts all negative statuses to the killer.

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