Chapter 4

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You wake to the sound of your mom shouting at you "Y/N get you going to be late for school" I look at my alarm clock and I've completely slept through my alarm. Probably cause I got no sleep last night thanks to what Jess said yesterday. I quickly get ready and grab a breakfast bar for a quick breakfast. "Thank you, mom" you say thanking her for waking you up quickly before you leave. "Anytime, now get to school before you be even later".

Jess didn't wait for you which is usually when I'm late. Once I get to the school the bell just rings for the first period and I'm luckily still the first person in class so I get my seat in the back. I lay a bit on my arms resting while the class fills up.

"Good morning Y/N" I heard someone say and I nearly jumped out of my seat getting such a fright since nobody really speaks to me in class. I immediately respond back with "Good morning" not realizing till after I said that it was tom who greeted me.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you, didn't you get enough sleep last night?" he asks while laughing

"D...Don't worry it's fine and yeah I didn't sleep much last night to be honest"

"Oh and why is that?" he asks looking slightly concerned and takes a seat next to me

Oh my goodness why is he sitting with me and not with his friends plus being concerned for me?

"Oh it's nothing to be honest just my friend Jess said something to me before she left my place yesterday" I say while my cheeks slowly start going a pinkish colour

"What did she say?" he asks while lifting up on of his eyebrows

"sh..she said- Mr. Y/L/N and Mr. Holland do you have something you want to share with the class" our teacher interrupted and thank goodness for that.

" Sorry Mrs. Weatherwood" we said in unison

The class goes by slowly not saying a word to each but I feel quick glances at me every now and then. I must have been imagining it or something but during the whole school day, tom joined next to you in classes that you shared not like you didn't like it but why is he though?

School ended for the day and I was on my way back home with the biggest smile ever since tom was actually speaking to me even though it was nice small gestures. I wasn't even out the gates when I heard tom shouting my name I look back and see him out of breath.

"Do you want to walk home together?" he asked huffing and puffing between words

Wait a second tom wants to walk me home no ways this can't be real.

I start spacing out while I was taking in what is happening next thing I hear tom calling me again.

"Y/N....Y/N you okay? I don't have to walk you home if you don't want me to?"He says politely

"I would love to home with you" I say snapping back into reality

"Awesome let us get going but where do you stay?"

"Oh, I stay at *your address*"

"Awesome that's quite close from where I stay" He says a little bit excitedly

We walk home together and start talking a little bit getting to know each other. After about 10 minutes of walking it started pouring with rain out of nowhere.

"Shit I don't have an umbrella looks like we have to-"

"Don't worry darling I have one" He says pulling out a small umbrella from his bag and didn't take notice, oh him calling me darling. We both move under the small umbrella taking cover. Since the umbrella is quite small we both have to walk shoulder to shoulder but me being too shy moves a bit to the side getting my shoulder wet.

"Looks like you always prepared" I say getting a bit wet cause I'm nervous to stand too close to him.

"Yeah...I always have one for just in case" he says nervously laughing. Not even two seconds later tom notices you getting a bit cold and wet.

"You know I don't mind you walking right up against me cause you look like you are freezing plus still getting wet" He says concerned and pulls your arm gently moving you right up against him. Once he did that you could feel his warmth radiating off of him and you start blushing like crazy.

" you" You say very nervously

"It's a pleasure" He says smiling at you. After a short while, you reach the front the door of your house.

"Looks like we are here"He says sounding a bit sad

"Yeah and thank you so much for walking and sharing your umbrella with me" You say smiling

"Anytime and it looks like your stuttering it getting better in front of me" He says with a small smirk

"Yeah cause I'm starting to get used to talking to you" You say looking down at feel with your cheeks going a pinkish colour

"That's great but l need to head home since I help my mom with cooking"

"Yeah bye tom see you at school tomorrow"

"See you around Y/N" He says waving goodbye

You walk inside and start walking up to your room when you hear your mom

"Y/N is that a new friend of yours?"

"Yeah his name is tom he walked me home plus shared an umbrella since I didn't have mine today"

"That's very kind of him now go shower before you get sick" she says with a smile

Boy across the room(Tom Holland x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now