Chapter 14

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About two or three days have passed since the day Z told me about Cole and I was at school like every other day and I just had lunch with Tom and his friends. I had an off period so I head to my locker and grab some books to study in the library.

Once I closed my locker Cole was standing there again with a grin on his face this time. "Hey y/n" Cole said smirking at me "What do you want?" I ask coldly "You" he said still smirking "Well that's not going to happen" I say walking away until he grabs my arm pinning me against the locker "Oh it is" he says and his eyes look down the hallway and back at me "Let g.." I say but before I could finish he smacked his lips against mine and I didn't kiss back but I tried pushing away but I couldn't since he was stronger than me. Once he finished I immediately broke free and I saw Tom rushing out the school. "Tom!" I shouted trying to go after him but Cole grabbed my hand once again but this time I broke free "What the fuck is wrong you!" I shouted with tears streaming down my face.

I headed as fast as I could out the school, once out I looked left and right but no sign of tom. I searched for about 2 hours for him and no sign of him. I went everywhere looking for him but I just gave up and went home. Once I got to my room I closed my door and locked it I just stood in the middle of my room and collapsed all the tears were flowing and my heart was aching so bad it felt as if was ripped out. 


After lunch at school, I gave Y/n a quick kiss before I headed to my next lesson and I got there realizing I left my books behind once again so I quickly rush to fetch them but what I notice is that Y/n and Cole were talking. I started to feel something was off when I saw Cole pin Y/n and kissed him once he did it felt like something in me just snapped and tears were streaming down my face.

I couldn't believe what I saw and I just run out the school and I heard my name but I just kept running and headed back home. I told my mom to say I'm not here and headed to my room crying until I heard a knock and I saw it was my mum. "Y/n was here he looked very worried tom what happened" she said hugging me. I told my mom everything that happened "I'm so sorry my dear" she says hugging "B..but why would he do that to me" I say crying into my moms arms "I don't know" she says softly trying to calm me down.

I just went to bed crying about y/n and why he would do that the whole time my phone was buzzing but I couldn't care less at the moment

The next few days I just stayed at home ignoring all of y/n calls and messages I can't face him right now it's just too difficult.

I heard a knock on my door "Just go away" I shouted "That's not going to stop us" Harrison says while walking in with Zendaya and Jacob "Man you like shit" Jacob says and Zendaya hit his arm "Sorry" he apologizes "What do you guys want" I say not looking at them "You need to get back to school" Harrison says "Why should I? I can't even look at y/n without my heart paining" I say softly "Well you should cause we don't know what to do about y/n" zendaya says worried "What about Y..Y/n hes with Cole now isn't he?" I say with tears forming "NO he's not he's broken from what happened his skipping classes, his eyes are constantly red and looks like he's getting no sleep at all. To make things worse Flash is picking on him way worse than before we try to stop him but nothing works" Jacob says shouting "Y/n needs you and you need him" Zendaya says worried "Man you if ever loved y/n you have to believe he wouldn't do anything to hurt you" Harrison says looking directly into my eyes "BUT HE DID HARRISON" I shout at him "This was Coles plan to break you too apart" Zendaya says with a stern voice "If you do nothing something terrible is going to happen to him and don't come crying to us if it does" she says walking out the room "He really does love you" Harrison says walking out with Jacob


Today I decided to stay at home since I have no will power to go back to school everything just reminds me of him. Tom won't even come to school anymore nor answer my messages or calls it's over and there's nothing I can do. I just lay in bed staring at the ceiling "Y/n you have to go school" my mom says "I don't want to" I say turning over "Well looks like I'm going to have to drag you" Jess says picking me up "What the! how you even doing that?" I say shocked "I dunno" she says laughing "Come on get ready plus you look like a mess" she says "Why thank you" I say softly

I go to school with jess she cheers me up a bit but it doesn't really help. During school, I noticed tom didn't show again I tried my best avoiding Flash like every other day and Cole hasn't spoken to me since the incident which I'm happy about. Today I left school a bit later since some teachers wanted to speak to me about my grades dropping which I couldn't care less about. I got to my locker and packed my things about to leave when I felt some turned me around pushed me against the locker. To my luck, it was once again Cole "Just leave me alone" I say pushing him away and started walking since I can't look at him from what he has done.

He grabbed my arm "Why don't you just be with me and forget about tom" he says with a stern voice I don't say anything "You know he's not going to love you again" once he said that I immediately punched him through the face which also hurt on my part since it was the first time I've ever done that.

"Fuck you!" I shouted at him and he got up and punched me through the face causing me to fall "I give up" he says spitting at me and walked away. I didn't move I just sat there against the locker crying "Love?" I heard and I looked up and it was tom. I didn't say anything "What happened to your face?" he asked softly "Cole is what happened and don't forget about the other bruises you can't see from flash. I've been the laughing stock of the school for days now" I say shouting but I immediately regretted it there was a short pause "I'm sorry" I say softly with a tear rolling down my face and I just walked passed tom. He immediately pulled my arm embracing me into a hug "I'm sorry" he says whispering into my ear and I just started crying and I couldn't hold it in. He just let me cried in his arms until he pulled me away holding my hands "I'm sorry for leaving you love it's just when I saw you two kissing it really hurt like you won't understand" he sayings crying "I know but I want you to know it was he who kissed me not me" I say softly "I know Z and everyone else explained everything" he says staring directly into my eyes "thank you but do you know how much it hurt you leaving me it felt like someone ripping out my heart" I say crying "I know it felt the same for me but if you don't want to get back with me I understand" he says with tears rolling down his face "Of course I'll take you back any day I'm the one who's meant to be asking" I say laughing

Next moment Tom just smacked his lips against mine it felt so good and passionate "I've love you" I say pulling back "I love you" tom says smiling and giving me a hug "Finally" I three people say in unison and tom and I immediately broke apart "Did you guys see everything" I asked "Yup Zendays says laughing "If you too ever do this again I'm going to beat you two shit less" Harrison says smiling "It won't" tom says laughing "Come lets head home" zendaya says laughing "Do you want to come over" tom says looking down at his feet "I would love to I say kissing his cheek

Sorry for a shitty chapter and late release but I hope you enjoying the story. I might end it quite soon since I'm running out of ideas

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