Chapter 8

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Once I got back home I told my mom and dad everything about tom and I dating. To my surprise, they weren't upset or angry but was genuinely excited for me and told me they kinda figured when I stayed over last night. Also, the reason I was called back home so early cause they wanted to know so badly and they felt guilty about it. After the whole conversation, I go upstairs and get a call from Jess to meet up for ice-cream in an hour to hear how everything went.

You headed to your room to change then all of a sudden you realize you still have toms clothes on which he let you sleep in. You put on new clothes and neatly folded toms clothes and put them in your cupboard till you see him again.

An hour later you meet up with Jess and got her the ice-cream as promised and sat down on a bench at the park nearby.

"Sooo tell me everything I want to know every last bit" Jess says excitedly and I sigh telling her everything that happened last night. "WAIT YOU GUYS ARE DATING NOW?!" she practically screaming "Could you say it even louder Jess but yes we are dating!" You say excitedly "Y/N I'm so happy for you but what are you going to tell your parents?" she asks concerned "I told them this morning already and they are actually happy for me which I'm so shocked by" you say with a smile "Well they are your parents so guess if you happy they are happy" she says finishing her ice-cream "I'm going to head home since I need to finish my homework for the weekend unlike some other people" You say looking directly into Jess's eye "Yeah yeah I also need to go since my mom wants me to help with the shopping" she says not sounding too excited. You both walk back home also making sure she gets back safely.

Once I finished my homework I layed on my bed listening to music and decided to message tom and to my surprise, he already did a few minutes ago.

Tom❤️: Heyy love I miss you already😢

Y/n: I miss you too😢 plus this morning I told my parents about us

Tom❤️: What did they say? I hope nothing bad

Y/n: Don't worry they are very excited about us dating so nothing bad and I told Jess she completely freaked out like in a good way😂

Tom❤️: I'm so glad they are happy! to be honest, I wanted to be there with you when you told your parents

Y/n: Even if you were there they already knew that's why I had to come back home so early😂

Tom❤️: Aaaah I see😂 but still I wanted to be there cause then I could see you more and give you cuddles😋

Y/n: I want cuddles😢

Tom❤️: I'm sorry love but I have to go help my mom with cooking supper so chat later and I love you❤️

Y/n: Love you too!❤️

I put my phone back down thinking about how lucky I am about tom. Me being bored I decided to blast some music and reorganize my room while singing along to the songs. About 30 minutes pass and see my door open with tom standing there laughing. "What are you doing?" He says laughing "Just reorganizing my room...wait tom what are you doing here?" you say extremely embarrassed while turning off the music. "So that's what that is" He says laughing and walking towards you "Yeah plus what are you doing here aren't you meant to be helping your mom" you say while hugging tom "Nope I just wanted to come surprise you since you said you wanted some cuddles plus your parents were really excited when I was at the door" He says smiling "What did I do to deserve you?" you say smiling at tom "Everything love" he says giving you a quick peck on the lips.

Next moment my mom walks into the room "Come love birds it's time for dinner" she sayings smiling at you guys. Both tom and I head downstairs for dinner while eating I could see that my parents and tom got along extremely well which made me very happy. "Y/n I'm so glad you found such a nice boyfriend and going looking one at that" my mom says smirking "Mom!" I say embarrassed with my cheeks going blood red "It's fine Y/N" Tom says laughing "Now tom you will look after Y/n for us" my dad says smiling "Yes sir always" Tom says smiling

After dinner, both Tom and I headed to my bedroom and cuddled on my bed listening to music.
"I'm sorry about my mom at dinner" you say shyly "It's really fine and she's not wrong though" Tom says smirking at you "Yeah she is right but it's embarrassing" You say shyly "Oh so you agree that I'm good looking" He says smirking at you " I do" You say and go completely red "You are so cute " he says smiling at you

Next moment tom leans in smacking his lips against yours and you kiss back this time it felt more passionate as you knew each other feelings. It started out slowly becoming more passionate by the second and you opened your mouth allowing for toms tongue to enter after a few seconds. Toms pulled back pushing you down on the bed grabbing each hand pinning you down while kissing your neck all over until he found your sweet spot once you let out a moan he started sucking on it leaving another hickey on your neck. "Tom..." you moaned out and tom immediately stopped and looked at your flustered face. "Sorry love I couldn't help myself you were just too cute" He says smiling while he cheeks go all red "It's fine I actually like it" you say softly and tom just smirks at you leaning in to start again.

Just before Toms' lips met yours your mom walks in " Hey tom dear..." she says stopping midway looking at tom still above and pinning you. You guys immediately break apart "Sorry I'll leave you guys" she says exiting the room "Mom" you call her back "What were you going to say?" You ask all embarrassed of what just happened "Well I just got off the phone with toms mom and both of us agreed for allowing tom to stay the night and don't ask me how we have each other's numbers its a mom thing. Oh before I leave remember you guys still have school tomorrow" she says "Thank you Mrs.Y/l/N for letting me stay the night" tom says smiling "Anytime dear" she says while leaving closing the door

"Oh my God that was so embarrassing" you say covering your face with your hands "Yeah it was but it could've been worse" tom says laughing at you "Okay that true...oh shit we have school tomorrow and I have these hickeys on me everyone is going to notice" you say staring directly into tomes eyes " Yeah I know and I want them to know you mine and you too if I don't remember correctly" Tom says smirking at you "Yes that's true.." you say embarrassed

For the rest of the night tom and I just cuddled, watched a movie then heading off to bed since it was school tomorrow

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