Chapter 6

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Tom just stood there staring at me and it looks like he zoned out. "Umm earth to tom?" I say waving my hand in front of him with a small laugh and he immediately snapped back into reality. " Sorry please come in " he says motioning you to come inside.

"You look really nice today" he says softly while closing the door

"Ye..yeah thank you" you say while your cheeks go slightly pink.

"Come let me show you to my room" he says smiling

I walk with tom to his bedroom and once I walked in I was shocked it was quite big. His room had a double bed and a TV in front of it with a console. His walls had one or two posters but in general, it was a nice and simple room very cozy, to be honest. "You like my room?" he says smiling " yeah sorry I didn't realize I was staring so much" I laughed a little. "It's fine I'll be back in two seconds I'm just going to get some snacks quickly so make yourself cozy" he says while leaving the room.

I ended up just sitting on his bed looking around the room and thought to myself never in a million years would I be here at his house sitting on his bed. About 30 seconds later I heard my phone buzz and checked to see who messaged me and obviously, it was Jess.

Jess: "Heyyy I just heard now that you are TOMS HOUSE and you didn't even tell me!!!

Y/N: " Yeah sorry I've been meaning to tell you but I was sick the other day and completely forgot I'll treat you to some Ice-cream tomorrow and tell you everything"

Jess:" I accept your offer plus don't you and tom get too comfortable😏 "


Jess:" Now enjoy your night lover boy😏

Agggg why does she always have to do that

As soon as I finished texting jess tom comes back into the room with a whole bunch of snacks that it looks like we could feed a whole family. " Hey are you okay your face seems a little bit red are you sure you still not sick" he says concerned "No no it's just Jess she just messaged me about some stuff" I defend hoping he won't investigate further like the other time. "Okay cool so what movies do you want to watch?" he says jumping on the bed with all the snacks. " You can pick I don't mind watching any movie plus where is your family?" I asked grabbing a piece of popcorn.

"Oh my parents are out at dinner and won't be back till late and my brothers are sleeping over at friends houses" He says putting a movie on " Oh okay so it's just the both of us" I say nervously. "Yupp" he says and dimming the lights of the room. " What movie did you pick?"I say raising an eyebrow " Oh I a horror if you don't mind" he says smirking at me "Gr..great I love horrors" I say trying to sound confident but obviously didn't seem to work.

Tom comes back on the bed and we both watch the movie. Midway through I didn't realize but I was right up against tom since I was quite scared so I tried and move back a little but tom moves his arm around me and looks at me "It's fine I don't mind plus you seem a bit scared" he says teasing me "Oh shutup" I softly say pouting knowing that full well I wasn't going to win plus it felt so nice having toms arm around me which I can't resist

For the rest of the movie we stayed in that position and once it was over tom looked at me smiling and said:" Did you enjoy the movie?" "Yeah it was good" I replied softly " Yeah totally" he says with a small laugh I didn't reply I just sat there in his arm looking down while blushing. After that, we watched about another 2 movies not realizing how late it was and toms parents were already back.

After the movies I look at my phone and see the time and it was already so late "Shoot it's already so late" I whisper. " You can stay the night if you like?" he said softly "Are you sure?" I replied "Yeah I don't mind at all I would actually love that" he said softly hoping I wouldn't hear the last part. "okay let me just message my mom" I say while messaging my mom and within seconds I got a message back saying it fine. "My mom said it's chilled for me to sleepover" I say smiling

"That's great!" he says excitedly. For the next couple of minutes, I just sat calmly in his arms and when I looked up at him he was smiling at me " You know you are really cute" he says calmly"Wh..wh...what" I stutter and completely go red at his words " Your cute especially now" he says laughing and nothing could come out my mouth. He slowly starts closing his eyes moving closer and closer to you. With you realizing what is happening does the same and tom puts his hand on your cheek.

As soon as your lips touched it felt magical which couldn't even be described by words you wished it would last forever as tom pulled away. " Was that your first kiss?" he says smiling and all you could do was nod "I'm glad!" He says with probably the biggest smile on his face. We didn't say anything for a few seconds until...

Boy across the room(Tom Holland x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now