Chapter 13

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I take my normal walk to school also telling Jess everything that happened and me also listen to her weekend. Once we got to school I go sit with tom and his friends which I'm also friends with and the bell rings for class and students pour in as per usual. Our teacher walks in with some new student which looks oddly familiar "Good morning class today we have a new student, please introduce yourself" Mrs. Weatherwood says "Hi I'm Cole Sprouse and I'm bi I hope we get along" he says winking at you while walking off to an empty desk. The whole class starts whispering "settle down class" Mrs.Weatherwood says and I look at Tom and he is completely tensed up. "Babe you alright" I say whispering to tom "Um yeah perfect I just don't like the new guy he was the same guy as by the coffee shop" he says staring directly at me "That's where I notice him from but I also have a weird feeling about him" I say to tom and he loosens up a bit.

The school day goes by just like every other day but this time I feel someone looking at me the whole time which felt kinda creepy. Shit, I hope I didn't make tom feel like that I thought to myself while I was heading to my locker to put away my textbooks for the end of the day. Once I close my locker I see Cole standing "Hi I'm Cole I'm new you but you must already now that" He says smiling at me "Hi well I'm" I say not even able to finish "Y/n yes I know everyone knows you since you dating that Tom guy right" He says but his smile fades "Yeahh" I say softly not knowing what to do "Well I was wondering if you want to grab some coffee before heading home" He says staring directly in my eyes "I uh already have plans with tom sorry" I say moving slightly further away from him and next moment I see a hand on Coles shoulder and he turns around in which it was tom.

"Sorry, but he has plans with me" tom says putting on a fake smile and he puts his arm around me walking right out of the school. "Thank you, babe" I say smiling at tom "Anytime love but try stay away from him I don't have a good feeling about him" Tom says holding you tighter "I know" I say kissing tom on the cheek

The next few days Cole has been eyeing you but not as much as the first day but every morning in your locker you keep getting these notes saying that you must leave tom but you ignore it. Even Zendaya has been saying that there is something off about him but he has become among the most popular kids in school in a matter of days.

Zendaya and I meet after school as she says she has something important to discuss and we go to the same coffee shop as last time.  "So Z what did you want to tell me?" I ask her while taking a sip of my coffee "Straight to it then huh" she says laughing "Yeah toms parents invited me for dinner tonight" I say rubbing my neck "Aaah I see well straight to it then" she says and her face goes completely serious "Y/n there is word going around but not a lot of people know but apparently Cole is going to try break you and tom up"She says staring directly at my eyes not breaking eye contact "Wait what?" I say confused "Yeah Cole likes you and is going to try to sabotage your relationship with tom so he can be with you" she says with a stern voice "Z that's definitely going to happen tom and I love each other plus I don't even like Cole plus how do you even know this" I say shocked "I have my ways Y/n but just be careful please I don't want to see you or tom hurt" she says softly "Don't worry it won't happen I won't let it happen" I say seriously "Plus Y/n I know about those notes in your locker you've been getting" she says "How do you know about that" I ask shocked "I see Cole putting them but don't worry I won't tell tom" she says "Thanks I just don't want him to worry" I say softly "I know" she says trying to comfort me.

Afterwards, I head back home and start doing my homework and tasks so I don't have to worry about it. Plus I pack a bag of clothes since it is always that we staying over at each other's places when him or I come over. The whole time while getting ready I keep thinking of what Cole is going to do and I don't want to lose tom.

I got to toms place pretty early and Nikki lets me in telling me tom is in his room getting ready and can go up if I like. I open the door and see tom busy changing not noticing me so I just stand by the doorway smiling for a few seconds "Are you enjoying the view love" tom says turning the around " Definitely" I say laughing and closing the door. I walk up to tom kissing him passionately not knowing what's come over me probably the Cole thing. Tom immediately kisses back and pins me against the wall starting to kiss my neck and I let out a small moan "Tom dinn...oh my God you guys well dinner is ready" Harry said shocked while walking in "We'll be down now" I say pulling back and completely embarrassed "Good just don't make us wait" Harry said walking out "Oh my God I can't believe that happened" I say all embarrassed "Don't worry it's fine" tom says laughing "Babe it's not funny" I say walking out of toms room "I'm sorry love" tom says grabbing my hand and hugging me.

We head down to the kitchen to have dinner and Sam and Harry were just smirking at us he probably told him. The dinner goes really well and I got to know toms family more especially his brothers but the whole time I was tense cause I kept thinking I don't want to lose any of this since they all make me feel so happy especially tom. Tom could tell there was something off so he just held my hand to calm me down. After dinner, Tom and I headed to his room and he closed the door and sat on his bed patting a spot next to him for me to sit.

"What's bothering you love" Tom  says staring at your eyes "It's nothing" I say not wanting to make tom worry "Love it's definitely not nothing I can see it" he says still not breaking eye contact "It just that I don't want to lose" I say hugging tom "You won't I love you so much" he says softly hugging me back "I love you too" I say whispering into his ear and I could see his neck hairs stand up which makes me smile.

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