Chapter 9

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The next morning I woke up with toms arms around me and checked the time to see that we still have 10 minutes to lay in. So I immediately turned around and wrapped my arms around tom next moment I heard "Good morning love" he groaned and kissed my head. "Good morning to you too and we still have ten minutes to lay in before we have to get ready for school" I say smiling at him "I wish I could stay in bed with you all day" He says slowly waking up "Me too babe" I say pecking him on the lip "Oooh babe I like the sound of that" he says smirking and I just pushed him slightly.

For the next few minutes, we just cuddled until it was time to get up for school. I couldn't lend him clothes since mine was too small for him. He just laughed and wore the same clothes as yesterday and me still having toms clothes I wore his hoodie and one of my pair of jeans. He just smirked at me when he saw me in his hoodie and after changing we headed downstairs for a quick breakfast my mom made for us. We thanked her and headed out for school once out the door the both of us saw Jess standing there smirking.

"Good morning love birds sleep well?" she says smirking before I could say anything tom says "Good morning let me guess you are Jess?" tom says smiling "The one and only" she says laughing "Oh to answer your question we did sleep well thank you for asking" Tom says winking at me "Tom!" I say hitting his arm softly "Don't give her the wrong idea" I say to tom looking at him directly in eyes "Sorry but it's adorable when you get flustered love" he says laughing "Come love birds we need to go to school before we are la... wait Y/n are those hickeys on your neck!" Jess shouts "Yes and could you say it any louder plus let's go" I say blushing holding toms hand on the way to school

Before heading inside the school I start getting really nervous and squeezed toms hand "Are you sure you are fine we can keep it quiet if you want" Tom says comforting me "No it's fine plus it's going to be hard since I have these" I say pointing at my hickeys and tom just laughs. I take one deep breath in and walk through the door while holding toms hand.

While walking hand in hand in the hallway everyone was just staring at us cause it was the really quiet guy that nobody notices dating one of the schools most popular boys. We heard some whispering but I just ignored it and we headed straight to my locker then his getting our books for class. We got to class early just how I like it and I was about to  head to the back as per usual but tom stopped me "Why don't you sit with me today in the front then you can meet my closest three friends" tom says smiling "But tom... what happens if they don't like me" I say shly "Don't think like that they will love you trust me on this one" he says pulling me towards them   "Fine" I say softly

I just stood next to tom holding his arm since I was nervous about meeting them but once we got there the 2 guys and 1 girl shouted "Finally" in unison."Yes Yes I know" I heard tom say to them "Sorry about that I'm Zendaya nice to meet" The girl said very kindly "I'm Harrison" the tall blonde male said "And I'm Jacob" the other said "N..nice to meet you all" I say stuttering "Tom what was that about?" I say whispering into toms ear but before he could respond " The three of us have been telling tom to date you for the past couple of months" Zendaya said while the other two males just nodded "Aaah I see...wait the past few months" I say shocked "Yupp now moving on, Love see nothing to worry about" Tom says smiling at you "Yeah I know but still" I say softly.

The bell rings for class to start and everyone started filling up the classroom. During the whole lesson there we just whispers and stares from most students as the rest weren't to bothered anymore. A few more lessons pass and tom and his friends offered for me to join them at lunch which I did.

During lunch, a few people came up to tom and I and said that we look cute together. We just thanked them and they headed off back to their lunch tables. Zendaya kept asking questions about us fangirling completely then she just looked directly at me concentrating hard. "What?" I said being confused and she leaned over pulling my hoodie slightly down revealing the hickeys tom gave me and I quickly lifted toms hoodie I was wearing and went red. "Are those hickeys! tom you animal!" she shouted "What I couldn't help it plus the first one he wanted cause he wanted people to see I was his" Tom said while smirking at me "W..what no," I say embarrassed and the other guys just winked at tom giving approval "whatever you say love" he says kissing your cheek "Aaaaw you guys are too cute" Zendaya says smiling at us

Soon the bell rang for the end of lunch and I had an off period which I always just go to the library and study. Before leaving tom kissed my cheek heading off to class with his other three friends. I walked to my locker taking some books out for the next lesson as soon as I turned around I saw flash "Hey faggot" He said punching me in the face and I fell straight to the floor"Some loser like you shouldn't be dating someone like tom" he said kicking in the chest and left while some girls just laughed. I slowly got up wincing in pain and headed to the library try to look like I just brushed it off but in the inside, I was hurt physically and emotionally. Since I already had a hard time with my social anxiety which was just starting to get better thanks to tom but now rock bottom. Not feel like seeing anyone I headed to the quietest spot in the library trying to ignore what happened.

After a few minutes, all these thoughts were going in my head
What if I'm not good enough for tom?
Is he just trying to be kind to me?
Was it a bet?
Does Tom actually like me?

My chest started to feel like it was closing up and my breathing was getting faster and faster not getting anything in it felt like it was going to collapse. I knew I was starting to have a panic attack as I was slowly getting dizzy

I started to call for help but nothing came up

Toms POV:

I just got into class realizing that I forgot my textbook and headed straight to my locker when someone came up to me telling that there was an incident with Y/n I made him tell me the full story. Once he finished I could feel my blood start to boil from anger and I was getting so worried Y/n

I headed straight to the library hoping that he will be there since he always goes there for his off periods. I ran as fast as could to the library praying he was there

God, please let him be there, please

"Y/n" I shouted in the library I looked around for him once I saw him I started to panic since it looks like he was having a panic attack and I rushed as fast as could to him. "Y/n love I need you to listen to me okay," I say grabbing his hands which were shaking and seeing him in this state broke my heart. "Okay love I need you to breathe in and out slowly can you do that for me" I say and he just nodded doing what I told him and after a few minutes he started to calm down luckily it wasn't too bad.

"Th..thank you" he said "Anytime love" I say hugging him never wanting to let go and we stayed like that for a few minutes I felt so crushed by this whole incident since his dad just told me to look after him. "Come let's go love" I said and he just nodded. I phoned his mom to pick us up and she was at the school within 5 minutes. Y/N mom gave me her number in case of emergencies or if I wanted to make more surprise visits.

For the whole car drive, it was silent and his mom looked so worried. As we got to his house I took him to his room and put him into bed holding his hand I heard small "I love you" as he fell asleep. This made me feel a lot better since this was the first time anyone I dated said they loved me. I stayed for another 10 minutes and headed downstairs to tell y/n's mom what happened and apparently when he was younger he has had them before but stopped as of the last 2 years she told me.

I stayed over for a few hours making Y/n was okay but he was fast asleep and I headed home so worried but had to go home since my parents called. Y/s mom said it was okay and thanked me for helping him

Sorry for the long chapter but I hope you enjoy the story so far

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