Chapter Seven

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The people in the village lookedfrightened when the knights rode through. Women grabbed theirchildren and ran inside as if they would be harmed. Sir Merek glaredat them all like they were bugs that needed to be squashed and lookedfor signs of any witches. Tristan didn't understand why the peoplefeared them. They protected them, right? He looked down at a childcrying for her mother as she watched the knights. Tristan climbeddown from his horse and handed the child a small flower. She stoppedcrying and took the flower with a big smile on her face. Tristannodded to her and watched as she smelt the flower. Then a womangrabbed the child and moved her away from Tristan afraid he wouldhurt her.

"Search the town! Any signsof witches, burn them!"

The knights spread out throwingtorches into the buildings burning them down. People ran and screamedavoiding the danger. Tristan watched in horror as everyone ran fortheir lives. Sir Merek watched with a smile on his face pleased withhimself. The once beautiful town was being destroyed.

When it was all over, severalknights came back with three women being dragged behind them. Thewomen looked frightened and beaten. Sir Merek circled them severaltimes then he forced the tall woman to look at him. She looked to bethe oldest and the most beaten. She glared at him with her dark eyesand tried to jerk away. Sir Merek jerked her medallion from her neckand smashed the diamond in the center.

"You creatures are nothing,but a disease. Tie them to the stake and burn them." The knightsnodded and dragged them away. The youngest girl cried and begged forSir Merek to end it, but he ignored her and turned to Tristan.

"Don't let these people foolyou. They hide these creatures among them thinking we won't find themand that is why they deserve to die. The queen does not want traitorsamong us." He put a hand on Tristan's shoulder and walked with himto the bread stand. He grabbed a slice of bread and took a bite ofit. "These people have turned against their own queen by sidingwith those creatures and our job is to make sure that it does nothappen. You are a beginner and you have not seen what these peopleare capable of, but I am here to warn you that you cannot trust thesepeople. They see the good in everyone and that is a danger to thekingdom."

Tristan listened carefullyhaving a different opinion than Sir Merek. He watched them destroyhomes with children inside and he felt no regret for it. His motherwould be furious with him if she knew he was involved in this.Tristan wanted to protect the families. That was the reason for theknights, but from what he was seeing now, he was starting to believethat has changed.

Agra was a beautiful part ofthe forest with colorful lights everywhere on the trees. The treeswere lit up with them. Fairies had small homes everywhere hidden sothat no one would know they were there. Eliza walked her horsethrough the forest watching all the colorful lights. She had heardthat the royal family of the fairies was a very friendly fairy. Theprincess loved adventure and had taken one her whole life. Elizaheard about them. She loved their homes the most though because theywere decorated with colorful lights. The only reason why she was ableto see them was because she was a witch. The evil witches hardlyentered this part of the forest. The fairies had their homes welltaken care of though every once in awhile they had strangers come forhelp.

Eliza needed help and a placeto rest. She had ridden all day without rest and she was on the edgeof sleeping on the horse. Her body needed rest. Her horse was tiredas well and she was more worried about the horse. Agnes warned herthe journey would be long, but she never understood how long. Shepulled her cloak down and looked around at the trees. Each house hada different color but some had all different colors on them. Elizaheard that the royal fairy family lived in the biggest house with allcolors on it. She looked for that house hoping to find it soon.

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