Chapter Eighteen

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The sky was as blue as she hadever seen it. She could feel the beautiful green grass and the coolbreeze hit her warm cheeks. The mountains were beautiful as well fromwhere she stood. She could see the snow on top of them and the sunpeeking behind them. The field was huge and a pathway led to themountains with roses lining the pathway. Eliza slowly walked down thepathway wondering what was ahead. Was she still seeing her future?Was she dead? How did she get here? The questions rolled around inher head. She felt very much alive and very much on Earth. She couldsmell freshly cut grass and hear the birds chirping up in the trees.Butterflies flew all around her making her smile and reach out tothem. One landed on her fingers and looked at her. She smiled andmoved it closer. It was bright blue and the biggest butterfly sheever saw. She lifted her hand up and let it fly away.

She reached the gate and almoststepped out when a white globe of light appeared several feet away.Eliza squinted her eyes to see better. The light formed into a woman.A beautiful woman. Her mother.

Her mother slowly approachedher and smiled letting her perfectly white teeth show. She wore abeautiful white gown and looked young. Her long hair hung looselyblowing with the breeze. Eliza felt her tears fall with happinessthat she was reunited with her mother. Her mother whom had died whenshe was a child. The woman the queen had killed.

Her mother reached out andstroked her cheek. Her hands were soft and warm. Eliza rested herhead in her mothers hands.

"Oh mother. I have missed youso. You cannot believe the life the queen has destroyed."

"You are very brave my dearEliza. A hero to the kingdom and your sister. Your father and I arevery proud of you. You must defeat her Eliza. Save the people ofVanderville and marry the man of your dreams."

Eliza smiled and thought ofTristan. How would he be feeling with Eliza gone? She did love him,but she was with her mother again and she did not want to leave.

"Your sister needs you andthe kingdom needs you. Let them live in peace again and to let theirbabies grow old."

"The queen. I do not knowwhat else to do to defeat her mother. I have tried all that I know.What else is there to defeat a woman has ruined so many lives? Shehas stolen power from witches for many years mother. She is aware ofthe power we can use against her."

Her mother gently took Eliza'shand and led her back through the field. Walking with her motherthrough the beautiful scenery felt like home again when her motherwould hold her hands and walk through the field of flowers with her.Time had passed since then and Eliza was here once again with hermother.

"You are a smart girl Eliza.The queen runs on hatred and anger. Only love can destroy what seeksto harm. You are capable of love and that is the only thing you needto destroy her."

Her mother pulled her locketfrom her neck and placed it in Eliza's hand. She looked down at thelocket and opened it. Her parents were inside smiling up at her.Eliza let her tears fall. She was missing her father so much.

"Keep this. It will give youstrength to defeat her and to know that we are always with you."She kissed Eliza's head.

Eliza closed her eyes andthought of finally defeating the queen. When she opened her eyes, shewas laying on the floor in the castle with blood all around her. Shelifted her head to see the queen laughing and sitting in her throne.Eliza slowly stood up watching the queens laugh die and Tristansmile. Her body was in so much pain and she could feel the pain inher head where she hit the ground. She fought the urge to give up andlooked at the queen letting her know she was not over.

Her legs felt weak, but shestood up straight fighting the pain. The queen stood shocked. Herface showed that she was not prepared for that. She stepped down fromher throne and began to glare.

"What magic is this that youshall come back from the dead?"

"Love destroys hatred. Forall the lives you have destroyed, you will suffer like they have. Mymother and father have died at your hands and my sister turnedagainst the only family she had left to get her life back. You willbe shown no mercy."

The queen threw balls of fireat her then threw glass. Eliza blocked them and summoned air to cometo her. The queen was lifted in the air and thrown across the roomshattering a glass table in the corner. The queen slowly stood upwith blood dripping from her lip and flames dancing in her eyes.Eliza turned into a phoenix and glared at the queen with her yelloweyes and wings ready to fly. The queen smiled and turned herself intoa dragon.

"You cannot destroy mewitch!" The queen yelled. She blew fire out of her mouth at Eliza,but Eliza being a phoenix, she flew faster then she would have onfoot. She looked to see where Tristan and Clyde were and noticed theyhad both taken Eliza's side and was ready to fight the queen. Elizaflew around the room avoiding the queens fire. The guests screamedand ran leaving the throne room to their selves. The queen ran afterEliza, but Eliza slipped out of the window and flew up towards thetallest tower. The queen followed close behind trying to get closeenough to hit her with fire. Eliza flew in circles trying to distracther. The people down below screamed and ran as they saw a dragonafter something. Eliza dug her talons into the dragons back drawlingblood. The dragon roared in pain and swung its clawed hand at Eliza.She was smacked and knocked backwards, but Eliza kept moving. Thelocket still hung from her neck promising her another day. The queenflew after Eliza hoping to kill her this time. Eliza clawed her somemore trying to weaken her. The queen stumbled this time but quicklycaught her balance and blew more fire.

"You will not live anotherday to see him again! You will die like your parents and fornothing!" The queen yelled in rage.

Eliza dug her talons in thedragons neck again and this time she got weaker and had to grip thecastle for support. Eliza made that her opportunity to tear thedragons eyes from its socket so it could not see. The dragon roaredin pain and fought for its freedom from the phoenix. Eliza flew backand watched as the dragon suffered in pain. Eliza summoned fire oncemore and let it burn the dragon to ashes. Eliza watched as the queenturned into ash. When there was nothing left but ash, she flew backto the throne room and landed on the hard solid ground. She turnedinto herself again and looked at Tristan who stood there beside Clydelost in what they had just seen.

Eliza gripped her motherslocket and held it close to her heart. It was over. The queen wasdefeated and the throne was now Dahlia's. Tristan looked at her andit was nothing but respect. He went to Eliza and pulled her in hisarms. She was so tired and weak and just wanted him to hold her andlet her know he would never let this happen again. He pressed hislips to hers and she just knew this was the end.

Eliza and the QueenWhere stories live. Discover now