Chapter Twenty

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The mail carriage traveled toeach house delivering letters to Dahlia's first ball. He traveledmany miles just to deliver them but hummed to himself feeling safeand secure the whole journey. Once the letter to Eliza's wasdelivered, Agnes grabbed it and wiped her hands on her apron. Sheopened the letter and read it carefully not wanting to miss anythinginside. Her eyes lit up when she read it and she knew Eliza and Lillywould be excited as well.

She rushed to the kitchen andheld the letter up as if it was too precious to ruin. Eliza looked upfrom her spell book to see Agnes dangling the letter in the air.

"What is that you are holdingAgnes?"

"Why its a letter to queenDahlia's ball. We have been invited as guests to attend."

Lilly took the letter and readit herself to make sure it was not a game. She smiled and looked upat Eliza confirming its truth.

"We have been invited, but wewill need fancy gowns to wear. Where are we to get them? We willnever make it to town and back in time."

Agnes smiled and took Lilly'shand in hers. She looked excited about something.

"I have just what yourlooking for."

She led them to her small roomand opened her small closet revealing two most gorgeous fancy gownsthey had ever seen. She took them down and held them up for them tosee. The gowns were so beautiful, Lilly had to touch them to see ifthey were real. Eliza never knew Agnes had such beautiful gownsbefore and was surprised to finally know about them.

"My mother had made them solong ago and when she passed, I kept them to remember her always.They have been locked up for so long. Now I must let them out. Youtwo will wear these to the ball and be the most stunning womenthere."

"What about you?" Elizaasked.

Agnes stroked her cheek. "Ishall not go. It is my wish to see these dresses worn by the twowomen who has saved us from the queen. You two deserve this nightafter such a long journey to learn who you are and what you mean tous all. Come now. Get ready."

Eliza stared at herself in themirror shocked by how different she looked in the dress. She was awhole new woman in the dress. The green color of the dress made herred hair blaze in the light. She loved it. Lilly was even morebeautiful with her dress and braided blonde hair. The darkness fromher eyes had faded and were now beautiful and light. She was thinnerand shorter, but the red color made her look very beautiful. Elizahugged her sister and complimented her many times making her feelgood inside. Together, they held hands and discussed what it would belike at the ball.

Agnes came bustling in carryingtheir invitation and flowers for their hair. She slipped them intheir hair then slowly led them outside.

"The carriage is here. Nowremember to smile and let them know you are happy. The queen willwant us all to show her they honor her and her husband. Good peoplethey are. Very kind. Hurry up now and don't be late."

They climbed up in the carriageand waved goodbye to Agnes as the carriage pulled away. They wereboth very nervous of what the night would bring, but was ready toface it together.

Women in beautiful gowns wereclimbing out of carriages at the castle looking as stunning as them.Eliza and Lilly were escorted out of the carriage and to the hugedoors that led to the ballroom. Eliza studied the castle seeing howbeautiful and amazing it looked now that Dahlia was ruling it. Thewalls that she had once destroyed were now fixed and ready to beshown off. Inside, people laughed and chatted with one anotherwithout showing fear or wanting to leave. The ballroom was decoratedbeautifully and the floor was filled with people dancing. Elizalocked arms with Lilly and walked around admiring everything shecould see. They walked to the grand staircase and looked down at allthe people on the floor. It was happiness everywhere. They had savedthese peoples lives. Lilly smiled at her sister and hugged her.

"I had told someone you wouldbe here today." Lilly whispered in her ear.

Eliza turned around to seeTristan in a nice golden suit staring at her and smiling. He bowed toher and nodded to Lilly. Lilly nodded in return and went downstairsto join the party.

"My lady. You look beautifulas ever."

Eliza smiled and curtsied. "Andyou my dear Tristan look handsome as ever."

He straightened up and held hishand out. "May I have this dance my lady?" She smiled and tookhis hand. They danced together in harmony falling in love with oneanother again and wondering where they each have gone. Eliza loveddancing with him as much as she loved talking with him. She loved themoments they were able to spend together and wanted so much to askhim why he stayed behind. But before she could ask him anything,queen Dahlia stepped to the throne and raised her hands. The wholecastle got quiet and looked at her with astonishing looks on theirfaces. Queen Dahlia looked stunning in her royal gown. She lookedlike the most beautiful queen they had ever seen. They watched as shewas given the crown and the staff and cheered with the people ofVanderville.

"Welcome my dear people andthank you for coming. I am much pleased we are all here together. Doenjoy your self's and thank the God in heaven for another day heretogether as one family." She looked at Eliza and held her wineglass up for cheers. "And thank you for the woman who has saved usall from the wicked hands of my mother. Let us toast for a bravewoman who stands here today to share this event with us."

They all toasted to her andsipped their wine. Eliza nodded to Dahlia and turned to Tristan whowas looking at her with love in his eyes. Oh how she loved this manand was thankful for him. She loved him dearly. As if sensing shewanted to talk more, he led her to the water fountain outside and satwith her on the bench. He took her hands in his and squeezed themtightly as if he was afraid to let her go.

"I ask that you marry me hereat the castle so we can spend our lives together and cherish thischance at a second life together. You are my love Eliza."

Her heart raced and she feltbutterflies in her stomach. She did love him and wanted to be withhim too. He was given to her and she wanted nothing more then to behis wife.

"I will."

Tristan smiled and hugged hertightly before sharing a kiss with her that ended the night withfireworks in the sky. They had each other and forever they wouldspend it together.


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