Chapter Fourteen

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Dahlia and William reached thesmall town thankful to finally to get away from the queen and herdestruction. The town was quiet and peaceful. It was late and Dahliaknew they would have a hard time finding a warm place to stay. Shewrapped her quilt around her tightly and leaned closer to Williamtrying to keep warm. He gently stroked her cheek with one hand whileholding the reins with the other hand.

When they got deeper into thesmall town, William pulled the carriage to a stop in front of a smallbarn filled with hay. He jumped down and stepped to the door to seeinside. The barn looked old and the home for the goats, but it wouldbe the only place they would be able to get for the night. He liftedhis arms and helped her down from the carriage. Before she went intothe barn, she looked up to see two people standing in the tower. Onewas a woman with brunette hair and the other was a man with darkhair. He was built and dressed like a knight. They seemed to bewatching the town like they were waiting on someone. Dahlia watchedthem a few minutes then told William that she was going on a smallwalk. She approached the tower quietly and walked up the stairs tothem. The woman heard Dahlia coming and raised her hands like she wasgoing to cast a spell. The man in the knights suit aimed his sword ather.

Dahlia showed no fear, butsmiled and nodded her head to them. "My name is Dahlia. I am thequeens daughter. I was curious as to why you both are here." Theman did not lower his sword and kept it aimed at her.

"We are keeping watch for thequeens soldiers. They have been after us for a while now." Thewoman spoke in a soft and gentle voice. Dahlia studied the woman. Shewas young and very pretty. She was short and looked to be freezing.The man seemed to be protective over her because he had stepped inbetween the women as if Dahlia would harm her.

"I am not on my mothers side.She is very evil. My husband and I have left our home in case shedecides to destroy it. She has made this certain witch her priority."Dahlia kept speaking not asking their names. She knew she was beingvery impolite.

"Pardon my rude manners. Whatis your names?"

The man hesitated then put hissword away. "Name is Tristan mam. I once worked for your mother,though I was not made a knight."

The woman bowed after Tristanwas done and smiled. "My names Eliza. The witch that your motherwants."

Dahlia studied Eliza wonderingwhy her mother wanted her so bad. She was the powerful witch thoughshe didn't look evil. She looked like an innocent young womanfighting for her life. Dahlia did not know what to say. Eliza waskindhearted and Dahlia could tell. She bowed to Dahlia out of respectand did not speak with hatred in her voice. Was she really dangerous?

"There is a faster way toVanderville. I know that it will be difficult to defeat my mother,but it would be better if you got to her faster. She has an army outsearching for you."

Eliza looked at Tristan andlowered her head. Tristan saw the worry in her eyes. She knew that ifthey took the faster way, they would be closer to the war then ever.Dahlia meant well, but she was unaware of the fear fighting the queencaused. Her sister Lilly had become evil thanks to the queen andtogether they lost their parents. Now it was time and there was nodenying it. Eliza looked at Dahlia.

"I would be very grateful foryour guidance your majesty." Eliza said curtsying. Dahlia smiledand gently took Eliza's hand.

"Please call me Dahlia. Thethrone is not mine yet. Mother has banned me from taking the throne.A shame that she has fooled my father. I am not fooled. My husbandWilliam and I will guide you to my mothers castle and from there, youmust go alone. This is a battle we cannot help you with Eliza."

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