Chapter Nineteen

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The castle had looked like adisaster. The wreckage of the castle lay everywhere but the throneremained untouched. Eliza looked around at the wreckage that shecaused and felt shame of what she had done. Shakira and the othersentered slowly as if they were afraid to step on anything important.Dahlia silently cried seeing the mess and knowing that her mother hadfinally been defeated. Her husband wrapped his arms around her andcomforted her. Eliza closed her eyes and thanked her mother forencouraging her to save the kingdom.

She gently pulled from Tristanand walked to Dahlia. She wanted to apologize for everything and lether know that her mothers death was at her hands, but when Dahlialooked at her, it was the look of love and thankfulness. She huggedEliza and thanked her for saving the people of Vanderville.

"Thank you dear Eliza. Nowthe people of Vanderville are safe and its all thanks to you. Myfather would have been proud."

"What about the castle? It isdestroyed."

Dahlia looked around at thewreckage and smiled. Eliza knew that Dahlia did not care and the factthat her and her husband left the castle in the first place provedthat.

"We will fix this with thegold my father left behind." She took Eliza's hand and smiled. "Weare all free and you still have your sister. Our lives are back."

Eliza nodded. She was thankfulfor Tristan's help and her mothers words to encourage her to not giveup. She was thankful her friends had the faith in her to do what sheneeded to do when she feared she would never succeed. Lilly was allshe had left and she wanted to cherish every minute she had with her.

Dahlia hugged William andwalked outside with Eliza and her friends. Eliza held Tristan's handafraid to let go. He squeezed her hand assuring her everything wouldbe OK. Lilly and the group they traveled with stood by the castlegates waiting to speak with them. David held his sword watching Elizaapproach. She stepped in front of him and bowed her head.

"You have saved the people ofVanderville. We appreciate it. You have destroyed the evil queen."

Eliza smiled. David nodded tohis people and gathered their weapons which lay all over the groundat their feet. It looked as if they had been there for awhilepreparing to help her defeat the queen. Paul had been knelt on theground next to his bow and arrow gathering arrow heads that lay allaround him.

"It is time we return home toour families. We must share this great news to them."

"Yes, but I would like to askyou and your people to work for me as my protectors. I will need agroup of warriors to protect my people and I as I rule this kingdomthe way my father wanted it." Dahlia said in a soft voice.

David bowed to her and smiled.Eliza had learned that David was a man of honor and respect. She knewhe would never turn down the opportunity to protect the royal familyand his people. He had mentioned respecting the king and was sad thathe was murdered.

"You have our word yourmajesty."

The road back home seemed totake forever. Eliza and Lilly sat in the carriage that Dahlia hadgiven them not speaking to one another. Eliza had so much to tell hersister, but feared her sister would refuse to listen and turn away.She watched the birds fly by and thought of what it would be like tobe one. She wondered if they lived an easier and safer life then she.Lilly was once safe until Eliza's identity of being a witch was puton the line. Now they were being given the chance to become a familyagain and fix the pieces of their relationship that were oncedestroyed. She looked over at Lilly who was busy watching the birdsas well.

"I know that you have grownup thinking that it was my fault mother and father were murdered, butI must tell you the truth that mother refused to tell us for solong."

Lilly looked at her refusing tosmile. She still looked angry and looked ready to speak, but Elizacontinued on before she could continue.

"Mother was a witch and shehad warned me of who I was. She feared that telling you would causemore trouble then we needed. We were destined to this Lilly and weneed each other to learn how to control it."

Lilly looked straight ahead andfolded her hands in her lap. "Do you ever wish it were not true? Ifit did not happen, mother and father would still be here and we wouldnever have to go through so much loss in our lives."

Eliza had wondered what itwould be like, but she could not imagine a happy life with the queenstill on the throne. They would have their parents back, but theywould lose so many loved ones for being accused of witchery. Elizahad done the right thing and defeated the queen and even though itmeant she lose her family, she was saving countless lives. It was ahard decision for one person to make, but her mother had given herthe power and strength to do what she feared doing. She wanted togive up and go back home to Agnes and pretend she was a normalvillager, but her heart told her that it was for the people she lovedthat were still with her.

"Mother and father would havebeen proud of us that we saved this kingdom from a queen who did notcare for them. We still have each other and that's all that matters."

Lilly looked at her sister andsmiled. It was the first smile she had seen from her sister in daysand it made her heart melt.

Agnes was already waitingoutside when the carriage pulled up. She had put on her best worngown and ran to the carriage ready to welcome Eliza home. Elizahugged her tightly so thankful that she was safe. Agnes pulled back alittle and cupped Eliza's face in her hands. She stroked Eliza'scheek and smiled.

"Thank goodness your homesafe. God has surely kept you safe my child. Come. I have some hottea and cakes ready."

Eliza stopped her. Agnes lookedat her confused.

"I have found my sisterAgnes. She needs a place to stay so I have brought her home."

Lilly stepped down and loweredher head worried Agnes might not accept her. Agnes slowly approachedher and patted her shoulder. Lilly looked up at her and watched her.Eliza could see the tears wanting to spill from her eyes. She couldsee Agnes wanting to hug her and welcome her as well and before shecould speak, Agnes pulled Lilly into her arms and hugged her tightlylike a mother would after a long separation from her child. Lillyhugged her in return forcing a smile.

"Welcome. Lilly is it? Wellcome in and have some hot tea and cakes. We can talk inside."

She led them inside andtogether they sipped hot tea and spoke of their adventures. It waslike they had never left.

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