Chapter Eleven

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Lilly looked at her surprisedto see her older sister here in her garden. Eliza could not believeher eyes. Lilly looked dark and taller. Her medallion was black.Eliza did not know what to say. Her sister had changed so much. Shelooked evil and when Lilly threw the rocking chair at Eliza, that'swhen she knew her sister did not care who she was. She was going toharm her just like the others.

Eliza moved out of the way frombeing crushed by the chair, but it did not end there. Lilly called tosomething dark and vines tightened around Eliza's wrists and anklesjerking her down to the ground on her back. Eliza tried to get free,but the vines were too tight. The archers ran to help her, but Lillythrew them back with a gust of wind. Eliza pulled at the vines, buteach time she pulled, they got tighter. She cried out in pain.

Snakes slithered all around herhead as her sister slowly walked towards her. Eliza closed her eyesand prayed the snakes would disappear. Lilly stood over her andsmiled an evil smile.

"I see your alive. Not forlong." She raised her hands to stab her, but Eliza used the elementof earth to free herself and move. Then she used her magic to trapLilly down into the chair with the vines. Lilly got furious and triedto use her own magic to free herself, but Eliza fought against her.She could feel herself getting tired from all the magic she wasusing, but she had to keep her sister from harming the others.Phillip stepped beside her with his bow and arrow ready, but she shemotioned him away.

Lilly glared up at Eliza withso much hatred and it hurt Eliza to have someone she loved so muchlook at her like that. She wanted so much to hug her sister and tellher everything would be okay, but the way her sister looked at hertold her that she thought differently.

The heat of the sun startedputting pressure on Eliza and she could feel sweat on her brow. WhenLilly got tired of fighting, Eliza released her. Lilly struggled tobreath as she stared down at the ground defeated. Eliza slowly andquietly walked to her sister and made her look up at her.

"What has happened Lilly? Whymust you hurt other people?"

Lilly glared at her too weak tobe angry. Lilly's eyes were dark as she looked at her sister and thatis how Eliza knew her sister had changed.

"You are the cause of motherand father being killed! You will die like the others!" Lilly spatat her. Eliza stepped back like she was just slapped across the face.Lilly blamed her for their parents capture. How come she was stillalive and they were not?

"Mother and father werekilled because you were a witch! You betrayed us!" Eliza rememberedher mother telling her that she could not tell anyone. Her motherknew she was a witch. The only one who knew. Her mother was a witchas well, but Lilly's accusation made Eliza feel guilt. Her parentswere captured because of her. The queen knew she was a witch, but didnot know about mother and so they had come for them all. Elizaescaped and Lilly hated her for it.

She gently touched her sisterscheek and let her tears fall. "Mother knew Lilly. She told me tonever tell anyone. I am sorry to have abandoned you." Lilly jerkedaway from her touch. Shakira gently touched Eliza's shoulder. Acomforting sensation flowed through her veins. Eliza stepped backagain and lowered her head.

"How did you escape sister?"

Lilly did not answer the firstfew minutes then she looked up at Eliza and said, "She released meunder one condition. I find you and bring you to her."

"What does she want from me?"

"Your powers."

Eliza studied her sister andknew she was being honest. The queen wanted her alive to take herpowers. She wanted to be powerful. Everything was making more sensenow. To rule the kingdom and be the greatest, she needed all thepowers she could get even from the powerful.

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