Chapter Sixteen

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The queen heard that Eliza wasin Vanderville and the evil smile that so often crossed her facespread even wider. She had the little witch where she wanted her andnow all she wanted to do was destroy her and take what she wanted themost from the witch. She did not have anyone to trust since she hadSir Merek punished for not bringing her the witch. She felt noheartbreak from it since she did not truly love him. The little witchcame on her own and so the queen disposed of her unworthy knight. Shewalked to her mirror feeling happy now that she was closer to gettingwhat she wanted. She put a little perfume on and fixed her dark redlipstick. She wanted Eliza to fear her and see that she was about todie losing her powers before she did. She wanted the whole kingdom ofVanderville to fear her because once she had the powers she sodesperately wanted, they would not have a choice.

"Today is the day that Idestroy that witch and get what I want and my daughter will be thefirst to go for betraying me. Betrayal is the one thing I cannotstand. This little witch will regret the day she was ever born."

She slowly walked down the hallusing the little magic she had to light the candles all alined downthe hall. It lit the hall up like the sun lit the sky. She slowlywalked to her dungeon where she kept all her prisoners and grabbedthe keys. The guards stood by the door watching the prisoners waitingfor someone to try to break in. She gently nodded to each of them toleave. They obeyed now brave enough to go against her. When they wereout of earshot, she walked to the cell in the back of the dungeon.She looked around and smiled.

The dungeon smelt like deathand was very cold. She could see spiderwebs and rats everywhere. Noneof that bothered her because she loved for people to be unhappy. Sheloved for them to see what crossing the queen meant. She did not careif they starved to death or froze to death because she would havetaught them a valuable lesson. She was in charge and those who wentagainst her were severely punished.

"They tell me that you are amaster at swords and spells. Can you agree?"

A tall dark shadow from theback rose from the crate he sat on and slowly walked to the barswhere she could see him. He was a tall man with ragged clothing and adirty beard. He was once buff when captured, but was now thin andweak looking. He did have beautiful dark eyes that reminded her ofSir Merek. She could not help but stare at the man thinking of howclose a resemblance he shared with Sir Merek. He was a very handsomeman or so she assumed once cleaned up and shaven. She had himcaptured for stealing bread from the market and she had forgotten hewas captured until today.

"Yes your majesty. I havepracticed everyday with the sword everyday and learned spells fromwitches around me."

She nodded and moved closer tothe bars. She was not afraid of this man because she had the keys tohis freedom and enough power to destroy him if he tried to cross her.

"I have a task for you thatnone of my knights have done well. You are exactly what I need forthis task, but I do need a willing servant."

He nodded and gripped the bars."Yes your majesty. I am the servant for you."

She smiled and held up ascroll. His eyes studied the paper as if he was trying to figure outwhat was so special about it. He showed no fear though which made hereven more anxious to get him ready.

"If you complete the taskthat I asked of you, I will free you and your family from ever beingharmed and you will become my brave knight. Your children need to befed."

He nodded again.

"A certain witch has enteredthe kingdom and seeks to destroy me. I want her magic and herdestroyed. She is a danger and a threat to this kingdom and if sheshall live, our homes and families will be destroyed. She must bedestroyed. With her powers of course, I could protect this kingdomfrom the harm that threatens them. I will be able to make thiskingdom safe. You fail to do this task, and I destroy everything youown. Do I have your word?"

The man was quiet and seemed tobe thinking of the right thing to do. She had never asked the man ifhe even agreed with her at all or if he had planned to destroy herhimself. She should have done so in case he crossed her. The look onthe mans face made her relax a little more knowing that he wasconsidering this task she was offering. She meant what she said whenshe said she would free him and his family. What was the loss of onefamily? She waited for a response not wanting to make him refuse it.She was running out of time and the time that she did have was todestroy Eliza.

"You have my word yourmajesty."


She unlocked the cell andcalled for the guards. They both came down and bowed their heads toher. She faced them and smiled.

"Take this young man and gethim showered and cleaned up. Hopefully we will learn your name whenthe meal is served."

"It is Clyde your majesty."

"Clyde. A good name for astrong warrior. You will have a nice hot bath and a good meal waitingwhen you are released. Hurry up now."

He thanked her and followed theguards upstairs. The queen smiled knowing everything was going asplanned. She was very happy.

Clyde took his long hot batrelaxing in the hot water for a few extra minutes. He hadn't taken ahot bath for a whole year and had forgotten what it felt like. Hemade sure that he was scrubbed clean and that his hair smelt good. Hewanted the queen to be impressed with how well he cleaned. It tookhim awhile to shave the long beard that had grown from his face. Oncehe shaved, he saw a new clean shaven man staring back at him. Heremembered how his wife Trina always said he was a handsome man andthat he would make fine children. His little boy Daniel was a goodlooking boy as well. He would be two now and probably not rememberwho his father was. He missed his family and when he completed thetask, he would go home to them and never let them go.

He washed his face thenfollowed the guards to the dining area where the queen would bewaiting with a huge delicious meal. A meal he had not eaten in ayear. A meal that was all for him.

The queen was waiting by thefireplace for him in her beautiful red evening dress. Clyde thoughtshe was a beautiful woman, but evil flowed from her like the riverson a windy day.

The queen looked at Clyde andsmiled. He was a very handsome man and looked better without the longbushy beard. She felt herself somewhat attracted to this stranger andshe just learned his name. He did not look like Sir Merek anymore.

She walked to the table andstood in front of her chair. She gripped her chalice and held it up.

"To Clyde for his willingservice to me and this kingdom. We appreciate what you will do for usand the lives you will save."

Clyde bowed thankful for themeal he was about to eat. Maybe she would be OK with him taking somefood to Trina and Daniel. They were probably starving at home. Theysat down and began their feast. Clyde dug into the potatoes first. Heloved the taste of them. He did not want to look like a starving manbut he was so hungry. He ate everything before him. The potatoes, thespinach, the corn, the pie, and the beans were gone before anyonecould take notice. When he looked up, the queen was watching him withamusement. She sat her chalice down and leaned forwards.

"It is time Clyde."

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