Chapter Six

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Eliza had ridden for what seemedlike several hours and she was very thirsty. She reached the riverand gently cupped water in her hands to drink. While she let herhorse drink, she pulled out her map to see where the queen was. Agra.The palace was in Agra and that meant that Eliza had a very long tripahead of her. She would pass through mountains and villages andvillages were very unsafe right now. She had to take caution and makesure that she was not seen by any soldiers. She slipped the map inher bag and grabbed the horses reins. She was at Acres Green now andit would take her another hour before she reached the next town.Angola. Home of the fairies. The fairies were good and were verybeautiful. Eliza hoped that they would be willing to let her staythere until the sun rose the next day. She would have more energy andbe prepared for another long day.

She was very tired now, but shehad to make it.

The queen smiled as she watchedEliza threw her crystal ball. She could see all and was given thepower from all the witches that were captured. She had to keepcatching witches to keep her powers strong. She heard of Eliza andhow she was a very powerful witch. She wanted her caught.

The queen walked to her throneand sat down peeling petals off the rose she held. Her dark hair hungin her face and her long red nails scraped the petals as she tossedthem aside. Her dark eyes pierced through her guards as she stared atthem thinking of the reason why she needed them anyway. She waspowerful and was very capable of protecting herself. Sir Merek wasvery concerned about her safety. She felt angry that Eliza was notcaptured, but she trusted that Sir Merek was doing the best he could.If he could move faster, she would be more pleased, but great thingstake time.

Sir Merek walked in and kneltdown in front of her. He was her strongest knight yet and veryhandsome with dark brunette hair and dark eyes. The queen loved SirMerek and how loyal he was to her. She loved the way he kissed herunder the stars and held her close. She loved the feel of his beardon her cheek. He was her everything.

She looked at him with love inher eyes and smiled. "She is still at large my dear Merek. I needher captured before she discovers she can defeat me. We will loseeverything if she does."

Sir Merek nodded and stood up."We are searching my dear. She is a smart witch I dare say."

The queen shook her head andwalked to the window. No witch would outsmart her and she would killwho ever tried. Eliza was a young witch who barely understood herpowers and she was ready to defeat her. Then the kingdom would bowdown to the queen and she would have all the magic in the world. Shejust needed to find her and find her fast.

She grabbed an apple and bitinto it as she watched the kingdom.

"How dare these witchesassume they are smarter then me. They are nothing to me. Once theyare all destroyed and I get their powers, I will rule all andeveryone will bow down to me. I need the fastest and strongest menout there to come work for me."

"I will gather all that I canmy dear lady."

She smiled and stroked hischeek. So loyal. "That you will my dear Merek." She turned herback on him and walked to her throne knowing he would not let herdown.

The stranger rode into townupon his black horse and looked around at the kingdom. They looked amess with their ratty clothes and dirty faces. He found the beggarsholding out bowls to get some money or food. He was used to beggarsbecause he had lived around them many years ago. His mother used tofeed them and make them clothes and he was the one that deliveredthem. He eventually learned to ignore them when they kept comingback. But these beggars looked worse. They leaned back against thepalace walls and had tears in their eyes as they watched people passby. He dropped them a few coins then headed towards the palace gates.Two armed guards blocked the gates in their armor. The strangerjumped off his horse and stepped forwards.

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