The Slumber Party Idea

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It was a wonderful day in the scrapyard and all the bots weren't really doing much.Sideswipe was playing a game of cards against Strongarm.Drift was meditating with his mini-cons.Grimlock was stacking up rocks to see if he can make a really big rock tower and Bumblebee was talking to Fixit about decepticons he faced off against during the war for Cybertron.Russel just layed on a stack of tires and he was bummed out.Denny noticed Russel and he was worried about him.

Denny:Hey Russel you ok?

Russel:I'm great except I got nothing to do.

Denny:You want to help me organize some stuff?

Russel:No but thanks.

Denny:You can go make sure that Grimlock doesn't over do the tower.I really don't want him to damage anything valuable.


Denny:You can watch Sideswipe and Strongarm play against each other on game of cards.


Denny:You can ask Fixit to show you interesting profiles on decepticons.


Denny:You're really not mood for many things today aren't you?


Denny:I got to fix some displays so you can watch TV if you want.


Denny went to fix his displays.Russel stayed on the stack of tires and Grimlock came to him.

Grimlock:Hey Russel you ok?

Russel:I'm fine Grimlock it's just that there's nothing interesting to do.

Grimlock:You can put a rock on my rock tower.

Russel:Thanks but I'm not really strong enough to hold the rock and put it on the tower.

Grimlock:You and I can go after Steeljaw.

Russel:Steeljaw hasn't been doing anything in any places lately and even if we did find him, Bumblebee would not approve of me being there.

Fixit approached Grimlock and Russel.

Fixit:Denny told me that you've been bored Russel. Lucky for you,I've been looking up some stuff that might be of interest to you.

Russel:Sure.Why not?

Fixit:You can play tag with Grimlock.

Russel:I don't want to get really hurt and Grimlock might do damage to some valuables which my dad doesn't want to happen.

Fixit:You two can play hide and seek.

Russel:I can hide but Grimlock might damage something by accident since a lot of spots that are a good hiding spot has valuables on them.

Fixit:There are other activities but they are better doing in Earth things like a slumber party.

Russel:A slumber party?That actually sounds like a great idea.I wonder if we have the supplies that I need.

Russel went to get supplies.

Fixit:I'm guessing he liked the slumber party idea.

Grimlock:Cool!A slumber party!Whats a slumber party?

Russel found all the supplies he needed for the slumber party.Denny approached Russel.

Denny:Whatcha got there Russel?

Russel:These are just things I need for a slumber party I plan on doing.

Denny:Slumber party?Thats sounds really fun.

Russel:It'll be perfect with friends and family.

Denny:Friends huh?I think I know someone just for this occasion.

Denny walked off and Russel was confused by what Denny meant but he decided to get started on preparing for the slumber party.Denny entered his cafe and made a phone call.


Denny:This is Denny,Russel's dad and I'm calling for Hank.

Hank:This is Hank.Does Rusty need help with anything?

Denny:No but he's having a slumber party and I think he wants you to be a part of it.

Hank:That sounds great but I'll have to ask my dad if it's ok for me to be there.Give me a minute.


Denny waited for a little bit until Hank got back on the phone.

Hank:He said yes.

Denny:Great should I pick you up or...

Hank:My dad will drop me off.I got to go eat dinner.

Denny:Ok then see you later.

Transformers RIDCF:Slumber Party With The BotsWhere stories live. Discover now