The Hank Problem

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Russel:You invited Hank?!

Denny:When you said friends,I thought you meant someone from the sports team you're a part of.I didn't know you meant Bee and the team.

Sideswipe:I don't see the deal here.We bots could just hide and wait until tomorrow.

Strongarm:Guess we really don't have a choice.

Fixit on speaker:Strongarm and Sideswipe please come to me immediately.

Russel:What was that?

Denny:That must be the speakers I gave to Fixit.

Russel:I really hope that Hank isn't near the scrapyard because if she heard that then I have no cover story.

Sideswipe and Strongarm went to Fixit.

Sideswipe:I pretty sure Hank isn't here here yet.I wonder why Fixit wants to see us.

Strongarm:I don't know but it's probably something not good.

Fixit calls the other Autobots through their commlinks.The Autobots gathered to Fixit's work station.

Bumblebee:Is there a problem Fixit?

Fixit:Yes.There are several subsonic waves near the scrapyard.

Bumblebee:Subsonic waves?Sounds like Steeljaw is up to something.

Fixit showed the team the radar.

Sideswipe:Steeljaw must really want us.

Strongarm:Something about this isn't right.

Drift:It is highly suspicious that Steeljaw would do something like this near the Scrapyard.

Bumblebee:Which is why none of us can take him on alone.

Sideswipe:We could split up.We'll found Steeljaw faster that way.

Bumblebee:Steeljaw could be expecting us to split up.We need to come up with another plan.

Strongarm:This is really difficult.Steeljaw could be tricking us again.

Bumblebee:Steeljaw isn't going to trick none of us.Drift you're with me.Grimlock,you go with Strongarm and Sideswipe.

Sideswipe:Shouldn't one of us stay here in case Steeljaw finds a way into the scrapyard?

Bumblebee:Fair point but I'm sure that the security system will sense any intruders.

Strongarm:But wouldn't Hank hear the alarm?

Bumblebee:Hank?Is she suppose to visit tonight?

Sideswipe:Funny story but she's going to be here for Russel's slumber party.

Bumblebee:What?Weren't we suppose to be ones to attend Russel's slumber party?

Strongarm:Denny misunderstood Russel and he invited Hank over.

Bumblebee:Scrud.Change of plans,Grimlock stays in the scrapyard.

Sideswipe:Shouldn't big guy come with us?

Bumblebee:If Steeljaw does sneak into the scrapyard and triggers the alarm,Hank might see our security system guns and Steeljaw.If that happens then there is no way Russel can come up with a good cover story.

Sideswipe:That's actually a really good point.

Bumblebee:Grimlock wear your disguise and stay at the entrance of the scrapyard.

Grimlock:On it!

Grimlock went to get his disguise on.

Bumblebee:Autobots let's rev up and roll out!

Bumblebee,Drift,Sideswipe,and Strongarm left the scrapyard to check out the subsonic waves.A vehicle shows up a moment later and Hank exits the vehicle and takes her stuff out that she brought for the slumber party.Fixit saw Hank through a camera and he opened the door for her.Grimlock approached Russel.

Grimlock:Where's my vehicle disguise?

Russel:It's at the other side of the scrapyard.Are You going on a mission?

Grimlock:I'm going to stay at the entrance of the scrapyard in case Steeljaw gets in.Bumblebee and the others went to check on some subsonic waves outside of the scrapyard.

Russel:Steeljaw?This night might not end well.

Grimlock:Don't worry.I'll punch Steeljaw and knock him out real good.

Russel:I'll got an idea.I'll distract Hank until you or the others finally capture Steeljaw then you can tell me so that I'll know and Hank will not suspect a thing.

Grimlock:Sounds like a plan.

Grimlock went to put on his vehicle disguise and Denny approached Russel.

Denny:Hank is here.Fixit told me about Steeljaw. Grimlock is in his vehicle disguise right?

Russel:Not yet?Why do you ask?

Denny:Hank wondered off somewhere and I don't know where she is.

Russel:What?I'll go find her.

Russel searched for Hank and he saw that Grimlock got in his disguise but he couldn't find Hank.Russel was about to go to Denny until he heard a voice behind him that he knew very well.


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