The Night Begans

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Nighttime came and Russel prepared everything for the slumber party.Grimlock was excited for the slumber party after Fixit explained what a slumber party is to him.Bumblebee was doing training and he planned to join in later.Sideswipe and Strongarm joined in but Drift didn't because he was cleaning his sword.Fixit was busy looking up camera footages in case Steeljaw shows up anywhere in the city.Russel had everything in place and he moved the stack of tires away to Denny's truck.

Sideswipe:This looks really great.

Strongarm:Russel sure put a lot of effort into this.

Grimlock moved his rock tower closer to Sideswipe and Strongarm.

Strongarm:Grimlock what are you doing?

Grimlock:I'm moving my rock tower so Russel climb on it.

Sideswipe:I don't think Russel would do that.

Strongarm:You might want to move your rock tower before it falls on someone.

Grimlock:You got a point.Wouldn't want anyone to get squished.

Grimlock moved his rock tower away and Russel approached Strongarm and Sideswipe.

Russel:What do you guys think?

Strongarm:You did a really great job preparing for this Russel.

Sideswipe:You sure did.I didn't expect you to go this far.This is a cool setup.

Russel:Thanks guys.It took some time but I got it done.

Denny approached Russel,Sideswipe,and Strongarm.

Denny:You really did great on this Russel.Hank should be here soon.

Russel:Hank?Hank is coming here?

Denny:Yes and I invited her since you wanted a friend to come to the slumber party.

Russel and Sideswipe:What?!

Transformers RIDCF:Slumber Party With The BotsWhere stories live. Discover now