Grimlock And The Kids VS Steeljaw

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Russel:How are we going to do this?

Fixit:Me and you can try to get Steeljaw near a stasis pod and Grimlock can bash him in.

Russel:My dad taught me how to use the crane. I could use the crane to help Grimlock take on Steeljaw and you can shoot at him.We will keep going until Steeljaw is down.

Hank:I go with Rusty's plan.

Russel:Thanks Hank.

Fixit:I guess we going if your plan Russel.

Hank:What will I do?

Russel:You will stay here until me,Fixit,and Grimlock catch Steeljaw.

Hank:I want to help.Where do I need to be at?

Russel:There is no talking you out of this is there?


Russel:Fine.Can you use a gun?

Hank:Yeah even though my dad doesn't think I am ready for one.

Russel:You can stay here and use the weapon against Steeljaw.

Hank put on the armor Russel gave to her.

Russel:Fixit will be close to Grimlock to fight beside him.You will give us cover fire when we need it.I will use the crane to bash Steeljaw to the ground when the time is right.

Fixit:This risky but it may work.

Fixit put on his armor and used his weapon to fire at Steeljaw.Russel snuck to the crane and Hank shot at Steeljaw before he could notice Russel.Grimlock punched Steeljaw to the ground and Russel used the crane to bash Steeljaw.Steeljaw was defeated and placed in a stasis pod.Fixit and Grimlock freed the others trapped in the subsonic traps and told them what happened.

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