Being Weird

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Russel went to Hank and Hank was holding a sleeping bag with some stuff in it.

Russel:Hey Hank.

Hank:Hey Rusty.

Russel:It's great to see you.

Hank:It's good to see you too.

Russel saw Grimlock passing by in his vehicle disguise but Grimlock was behind Hank.Hank noticed that Russel was looking at something behind her.

Hank:Is there something behind me?

Hank was about to turn around but Russel hugged her.

Hank:You're being really nice tonight.Did something happen before I came here?

Russel:No I just wanted to give you a hug that's all.

Hank:Ok.Where is the slumber party happening at?

Russel:I'll bring you to it.

Russel grabbed Hank's hand and brought her to where the setup was at.Hank was surprised when Russel held her hand but she didn't say anything about it.Russel and Hank arrived at the setup and Hank was impressed by what she saw.

Hank:You sure put a lot of effort into this Rusty.I'm really impressed.

Russel looked to where Grimlock was at and Grimlock was watching the entrance in case Steeljaw decides to go to the entrance on the other side.Hank noticed that Russel was looking at something but all she saw was a big green vehicle with something inside it that she didn't recognize.

Hank:Hey Rusty what is that?

Russel:It's a green crane.

Hank:I know that but I meant what's in the crane.

Russel:That would be the dinosaur sculpture that you saw a few months ago.

Hank:So that's why it looks so familiar.

Russel didn't want Hank to get a closer look at Grimlock so he decided to have her move away.

Russel:Hey I think I had a sculpture on the other side of the scrapyard.I think you should go see it.

Hank:Alright but I need to put my stuff somewhere.

Russel:I'll handle it.

Hank:Ok but please be careful because there are some things that can easily break in there.

Russel:I'll be extremely careful.

Russel brought the sleeping bag to a table inside the cafe and Russel saw Steeljaw jump over the entrance and saw Grimlock.Russel dropped the sleeping bag on the table and grabbed Hank's hand again before Hank could see Steeljaw and Grimlock and pulled her to where she wouldn't see them.

Hank:Rusty I told you to be careful with my sleeping bag!

Russel didn't know what to say to her but Steeljaw was now in the scrapyard and Grimlock was the only bot who could take him on since Bumblebee and the other bots were not there.Hank noticed that Russel was acting strange the way he dropped her sleeping bag so quickly and the fact that he hugged her even though he never did that to her before.

Hank:What has been up with you lately?

Russel:What do you mean by that?

Hank just glared at Russel as if she suspected that he was hiding something from her.

Hank:You're being weird tonight.Is there something you're not telling me?

Russel was thinking of what he should say to Hank but he didn't know what to say to her.

Transformers RIDCF:Slumber Party With The BotsWhere stories live. Discover now