The Return Of Steeljaw

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Steeljaw was in the scrapyard and the only bot he saw was Grimlock in his vehicle disguise.Russel and Hank were nearby but neither of them could see the two bots since Hank had her attention on Russel who still didn't know what to say to her.Hank started to tap her foot on the ground as if she had more suspicion that Russel was hiding something from her.

Steeljaw:A dinobot.Grimlock is it?I thought there would be more Autobots but I guess you're the only one I should worry about or not.

Grimlock:Steeljaw.Prepare to be smacked down.

Grimlock got out of his vehicle disguise and charged at Steeljaw but Steeljaw jumped over him and Grimlock crashed into the entrance gate.Hank heard the voices and noises of Steeljaw and Grimlock. Russel heard it too and he grabbed Hank's hand and tried to pull her to somewhere else but she refused to move.

Hank:What are you doing?I'm just going to look at what that noise was.Are there other people besides your dad here?

Russel:My dad is working on something huge and he said we can't be near it cause it might fall and crush us.

Hank:Ok then.Can't I see it from a safe distance?

Russel:You could but don't you want a tour of the scrapyard?

Hank:Sure thing.

Russel lured Hank away from Grimlock and Steeljaw and he showed her isles of stuff on the other side of the scrapyard.Grimlock fought Steeljaw and Steeljaw was on the ground.

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