Our Story - V.B

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When you tell your story

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When you tell your story.

I walked into a diner.
Full of myself.
But sad.
Does that make sense?

Happy that I could finally speak out.
Sad that I haven't done it earlier.
It's confusing but simple.
Do you follow me?

I needed to order something.
I can't wait for long without a refreshment.
Or something to distract me.
A milkshake sounds good.
Cold on a sunny day.
Cold things go well for sad occasions.

He should've gotten my note.
Maybe I'm over thinking.
Or think just right.
I suppose.

I shut the book.
My fingers traced over the silver writing.
The Incomplete History.

I heard the bell.
A sweet little jingle.
Calm, soothing.
Enough to release me from stress.

I saw a man.
He fit my memories perfectly.

"Mr. Snicket?"
He turned around to look at me.
He made his way to my lone table and took the only seat he could, in front of me.

"I'm your niece. y/n snicket. The daughter of your brother Jaques. Would you like to hear a story about a special family?" I asked looking at my uncle.
"I would like that very much." He gave me a slight smile

"As you know, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire were intelligent children." I started.

"And they were charming and resourceful and had-"

"Pleasant facial features." Lemony and I said together. We both smile widely, both of us leaning towards the middle of the table slightly.

 We both leaned back into the comfort of our chairs and let the story of the orphaned kids run through our minds.

"They lived with their parents in a mansion in the heart of a busy city,"  Lemony said taking the words right out of my mouth.

"You know this story." I said confused why he would want to hear a story he already knew quite well from the looks of it.

"Parts." He gave me a smile. A smile that looked like it could contain all of the secrets of the world that I would love to know but he wouldn't tell me until I gave a little bit of effort, or even a fight, to figure out what they could possibly be. It seems like he knew a little bit more than he led on.

"Do you know the part about the pirates?" A sly smirk made it's way up to my face. having a clue that he most likely had no clue about anything story involving the Baudelaires and pirates in the same paragraph, let alone a sentence.

"Pirates?"  He looked shocked, eyebrows raised. He looked amused at the idea of a story about pirates. His eyes quickly met mine, he seemed happy that I was telling him the information he needs to find the end of the Baudelaire orphan's series of unfortunate events. 

 "Female Finnish pirates. It was after we sailed away from the island, but before their third trip to Briny Beach."  I looked at him like nobody else in the cafe was there. I took a sip of my drink before I continued. "Violet had just tied up her hair to invent a steering mechanism, and Klaus was studying tidal charts, when Sunny looked up from the black bean and mango salad she was preparing and said, 'Shiver me timbers!'" We both gave a little laugh. We always knew the Baudelaires were very intelligent but Sunny could always say little things to make the situation at least a little better. "I stood by, looking for the materials Violet would need to create the invention she was planning on creating." I smiled at the memory.

So young, naive.

We were Happy, so in love.

"What was with you and Violet. At the Denouement Hotel. You guys were very close to each when I was there. You were both very scared judging by how your faces looked all that time ago." My uncle was giving a genuine smile in my direction.

"I'm getting there," I started blushing. "A few days later, Violet came out to her siblings as a bisexual. And reveals to her siblings we've been dating since we went to Dr. Montgomery Montgomery."

"I'm proud of you. y/n. You've been through so much, so much." He looked at me with something glinting in his eyes.

"There's no happy endings, not here and not now. Our tale is all sorrows and woes." I looked at him dead in the eyes "There have been times where we would dream that justice and peace would win the day. But that's not how our story goes."
He looked at me, concerned by what I meant. "We didn't come out free of everything. Beatrice Baudelaire the ll grew up without parents along with Sunny," He smiled when he heard the name of his other niece. "Klaus grew insecure about how he looked because of what Count said and when he got hypnotized. Violet got PTSD from the things that have been done to her when she was trying to protect us. Almost being married to a pedophile and being tortured by the same one in a hospital, doesn't sit well in your mind."

"And what about you?" Lemony Snicket said, resting his chin in the palm of his hand.

"What about me?" I asked him confused.

"What did Count Olaf scar you with?"

"It doesn't matter." I dipped my head down a bit so he wouldn't be seen.

"It does."

"Anxiety." I finally say after a moment of silence.

"And that's okay. After the parts of the story I heard or was there for, I wouldn't be completely fine at the end of that period of time either. He did things to you guys that no kid should see or experience first hand. I'm sorry about that. He took the life of your father and my only brother just because of his greed. My other brother, gone. My sister, gone. But we'll make it through, together. The last remaining members of the Snicket bloodline."  My uncle, a kind man who is supposed to be dead, reassures me with his words, they mean the world to me and could never mean less. 

"Stay with Violet. Do what I never had the chance to do." He said smiling at me.

"What was it?" I asked him.

"Date the Baudelaire of your dreams." 

if you like shoto todoroki
kaminari-d 's story
im gonna start putting titles instead of numbers if that's okay.
(this chap has over 1,000 words)

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