Chapter 7: The Last Battle

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Relief filled Rushil once she stepped back outside and into the light, her fears vanishing though the dead still followed Aragorn as he led the way. She did not fear death or those whom it had taken, but darkness still held the power of horror within her.

"We will overtake those ships sailing for Minas Tirith," Aragorn pointed to the dots on the Anduin River from their perch on a clearing; and so the army did, arriving at the docks of Minas Tirith when the sun was high in the sky.

"Late as usual!" an orc voice exclaimed, obviously expecting aid for Sauron's battle. "Get off your ships, you sea rats! There's knife work here that needs doing."

One by one, the four living jumped over the side of the big ship and landed on shore, beginning first with the ranger, second the dwarf and two elves. "Plenty for the both of us," Gimli said to Legolas as they overlooked the surprised group of orcs. "May the best dwarf win."

They ran forward after Aragorn had raised a battle cry and begun the battle, a sea of the dead rushing through them and attacking the orcs, who were drowned in the number of ghosts. After beheading an orc, Rushil stopped fighting as she saw a number of mumakil stomping toward them.

"Legolas!" Aragorn cried to him as one mumakil approached them.

The two elves looked at each other and Rushil ran as fast as she could past Legolas toward one of the creatures. "First elf to defeat one wins!" she shouted with a smile as she jumped up the creature's trunk and ran along its side, jumping into the structure where men steered the mumakil and unsheathed her sword, killing each man and pushing one over the structure where he fell to his death. She then looked over to see Legolas still traveling to the top of his own mumakil. Rushil quickly ran to the creature's head and shot an arrow through its skull.

The mumakil struggled to keep its balance, but another arrow from Rushil's bow caused it to stumble as its life drained. Rushil slid down its trunk once more as it fell with a crash, and landed safely on the ground, seeing Legolas's tumble as well. He looked back at her with a glint in his eyes before running back into battle.

Soon, orcs were being trampled under the feet of mumakil as both soldiers and beasts of Sauron fled from the sea of dead warriors overtaking them in a green mass. The Pelennor Fields were strewn with the dead bodies of orcs and men, but the oath of the dead was fulfilled. "Release us," the king of the dead demanded of Aragorn, the two standing on the finished battlefield.

"Bad idea," Gimli said to Aragorn. "Very handy in a tight spot, these lads, despite the fact they're dead."

"You gave us your word," the dead king sneered as he waited for Aragorn's response.

Aragorn nodded his head solemnly. "I hold your oath fulfilled. Go; Be at peace." At these words, the king of the dead held a content smile and he and his army blew away like dust in the wind.

Later, the group of four with Gandalf and Éomer assembled in the Tower Hall of Minas Tirith, Gimli seated in a chair and smoking his pipe. "Frodo has passed beyond my sight," Gandalf spoke gravely. "The darkness is deepening."

"If Sauron had the Ring, we would know it," Aragorn stood with arms crossed, his face away from the group as he stared at a wall.

Gandalf, however, was not put at ease by his words. "It's only a matter of time. He has suffered a defeat, yes, but behind the walls of Mordor, our enemy is regrouping."

"Let him stay there," Gimli let out a puff of smoke from his mouth. "Let him rot! Why should we care?"

"Because ten thousand orcs now stand between Frodo and Mount Doom," Gandalf looked sternly at the dwarf and mumbled to himself, "I've sent him to his death."

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