Chapter 8: Farewells

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Legolas laid his dear friend's bow and quiver on a marble podium and sighed. "I should have been watching her more closely," he said to himself though he knew Aragorn was listening. "After she was wounded and taken by the orcs, I should have been more wary and kept her close to me."

"Legolas," Aragorn put a hand on the elf's shoulder gently as they looked at Rushil's weapons. "You know you couldn't have stopped her."

"I could have tried."

Gimli walked over to his friend and looked up at him sympathetically. "I still can't understand a word of your blasted language, but I'm sorry, lad. I know how much you care about her."

"I don't understand how a great warrior like her could be wounded while I am still standing." Legolas turned from the podium, unable to look at the weapons anymore as they brought so many painful memories with them.

"You speak as though she were dead," Aragorn followed his friend and looked him in the eyes. "There is still hope for her." He laid a hand on his shoulder and smiled. "Don't give up on her so soon, my friend."


Rushil awoke to see a familiar white ceiling and groaned loudly. "Please tell me I'm not in the Houses of Healing again," she whined.

"Would it help if I said you were in Minas Tirith instead?" a woman appeared above her with a smile lighting up her face.

"Minas Tirith? Why am I here?"

The woman shuffled around the room and returned with a glass of water. "You were severely wounded at the battle of Mordor, but it still puzzles me how you survived. They brought you here with what I thought were three broken ribs and two broken arms, but the next day you seemed perfectly fine without any broken bones at all!"

Come to think of it, Rushil thought she had dreamt of Galadriel during the time she was unconscious, but she couldn't remember any details. She merely smiled and slowly drank the water she was handed.

"Because I wasn't sure of what was going on," the nurse continued, "I wouldn't let anyone in to see you and sent away a great many people. You seem to have quite a number of admirers." The woman looked at her with a sparkle in her eye as she chuckled to herself quietly. "Half the visitors were men and one elf was extremely persistent."

Rushil laughed with a smile and asked, "How soon can I be released?"

The other thought for a moment, "Well, I've never treated your kind before, but if you can walk by yourself, I should think I could let you go."

A gentle knock came on the door and the woman sighed, departing to answer it. "Yes?" Rushil heard her say.

"The elf is back again with Lord Aragorn and the dwarf. I tried sending them away, but the elf insisted I talk to you first."

Rushil adjusted herself into a sitting position and said, "If you will allow it, I should very much like to see them."

The nurse looked back at her a moment before nodding to the person on the other side of the door and closing it. Soon, three figures entered the room and Legolas was by her bedside like a flash of lightning.

"Don't you look lovely?" Gimli commented as he walked to the other side of the bed. "Healthy as a growing flower and sturdy as a rock."

Rushil laughed, "Well, thank you, Gimli."

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