Long day

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SUPRISE!!!!🌟 you thought I was down with ya. NOPE ya with me forever HAHAHAHa OMG creepy girl on the loose 😂💯so here is for ya love

Mark on the side ------------------->

(Melaine POV)

Mel, Mel, MELLLLL!!!! "Get the hell up or I am going to shove you off the bed now"!! Cleo yells "cleo if you don't get the hell out my room I am going to shove my foot up your..... FIRE FIRE FIRE... Lexi yells. Oh my god why am I even friends with these...these... UGHHH!!! "Move I am not going to die young" cleo yell pushing me on the floor while running out the door. "What the hell Cleo" I yell while rubbing my butt, what that hurts.

"Beep beep" who the hell text someone at 7am

-Amber: Get up Mel we have to go to school ✏️📓

Don't get Amber wrong she not lazy... well she is lazy but she love her phone so she say "why talk when you can text" stupid right but no one say nothing.

-Me: I don't care don't text me at 7am again!!

I am so grumpy in the morning. Why do these people even bother me

UGHHH I HATE EVERYONE AND SCHOOL !!! I yell on top of my lungs getting up from the floor.

"We love you too" the girls yell back at the same time. I roll my eyes "yeah yeah whatever".

I walk into the bathroom and look at the mirror. I love my eyes cause it pop out but it's dull and not happy. I wish I had green eyes like Jordan

Wait what why am I even thinking of him....

NO Mel you can't catch feelings all the going to do is get you hurt. All mean are like that they get what they want and leave. I didn't know what happen next but all I know is all the girls looking at me with wide eyes and glass everywhere.

Blood ran down my hand like a river.

"Damn it"

"What the hell happen here Melanie"!! Cleo yell

"It's nothing" I said looking down at my hand.

"What you mean it's nothing Melanie you just punch the damn...


"Sorry" Cleo said looking down at the floor.

"It's okay I just got work up, go to school I will meet you there" I said.

"Okay see ya" Cleo and Bella said

"Bye Mel" Lexi said I just nod my head

Beep Beep

-Amber: byeeee baeeee👻

Once they was gone I got up and went to the bathroom to see glass everywhere and my hand still bleeding.

I clean up the glass and then jump in the shower and watch as the water and soup wash the blood away.

I jump out the shower and put on my undies and a pair of white high waisted shorts with a royal blue crop top, for my shoes I put of my new pair of white and blue Jordan's.

Once I was done I went and put on my blue belly button rings and a nose ring. I let my hair go since it was still wet. My dirty blonde hair hang loose down my back.

I grad my leather jacket and my shades with my phone and walk over to my baby.

When I got to school I see the girls still in their cars. I text all of them to let's go, I know it's cliche but we all got at the same time.

As always people was looking, I notice Jordan and his gang looking too. I send them a wink and put a big fat smirk on my face. Before we went inside I could see Jordan and the rest of the guys smiling and still looking.

Oh today is going to be a long day!

YESS I DID IT CHAPTER 15 is here baby!!😝 So I have a some questions and there is a competition so here it how to win! ✅

❌okay to win you have to answer these few questions and at the bottom there is a 🚫BONUS QUESTION🚫 if you get this question right and answer the other questions you will get a big shout out and I will add you into one of the parts in My Bad Boy Secret!!! yup I said it you can win a big part and a shout out!!!! So answer all these questions and also



#1.Do you think Jordan can stay away for long?

#2.Do you think Melanie got an ex boyfriend who broke her heart?

#3.What do you think Melanie dad name is?

#4.Are you team Jordan or team Melanie?

#5.What do you think Melanie going to do next about this war?

#6.Do you think Jordan a player?

#7.Which bad girl do you think is going to fall in love first?


What do you think is Melanie middle name is?(you can guess if your close then you can win)!!

But wait there is one more thing...... drum roll please !!!

❗️❗️Spoiler alert❗️❗️

(Warning if you don't want to know what's going on in the next chapter. Please do not read it!!

Okay here it is....

Melanie POV

"Melanie"! Cleo yell me and all the girls was outside

"What" I said

"It's about your mother she got into a car accident and you won't believe who cause it" Bella said

I froze I feel like I had a whole bucket of water went down my back!! I know who it's is please don't say it Bella please don't .....

It your father... Bella said

------------------------------------------- OMG my god can you believe it guess who back! will Melanie go after blood? who knows whats going to happen let see when we read the next chapter of My Bad Secret!! Kk bye chicka😍💋



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