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After you got out on your room you search for your mom.

You start from the kitchen but she was not there but you notice your breakfast in the dinning table, but you ignore it first because you hate eating all by your self, you got out from the kitchen and go outside to look for your mom in the garden but still she cant be seen anywhere until you gave up and shouted

"Mommy~!" you called your Mom to from the garden and a maid came to you running.

"where's mom?" you ask the maid politely

"Lady Ella, Madam Suzy tells us that she needed to go to her office and finnish all her paper works today for tommorrow she can accompany you and your friends to the airport" the maid said and suddenly you got nervous because you heared the word 'KOREA' again,

YES! I'am finnaly going to korea with my friends! YEHEY!

"okay thank you" you said while smiling at your maid, she nodded to you then get back cleaning the handle of the staires.

If you are thinking why there is a maid that cleaning the handle of the stairs, YES we are rich but my mom didnt spoil me, YES! I can get what I want but I needed to WORK HARD for it, like asking my mom's permission about going to Korea.


"Mommy?" you called your Mom from outside her Office

"yes sweetie?' she ask with full of corncern, your mom is very lovely women and has a green eyes that was sparkling in the light,

Well the truth is I really envy my mom because she still looks like 20+ even though she is 39 years old,

"is there any problem?" she ask panic was occupying her facial expression

"Mom, No! No! there is nothing wrong" you say so she wouldnt be worried about you, but you failed, The atmostphere got really intense because you dont know how to start asking her if she would agree about your Idea on going to korea with your friends and study your 10th grade in korea, you look at your worried mom and took a deep breath

"Mom?" you called her again

"yes honey?" she answered politly

"dont be mad at me okay?" you requested nervously, you feel your knees are shaking and anytime soon you could collapse in the intensity in the room,

"promise!" she said and lift her right hand and gestured for a pinky swear, Yes your Mommy was like your bestfriend. you do the same gesture and both of you made a pinky promise, you pulled your hand and brought them to the armchair and sat down

"mom, me Angela Unnie and Jesaica Unnie  where disccussing earlier about korea" you said and she looked at you seriusly and looks like she was listening to you attentively

"And what about Korea?" she ask interested, while you look down to her desk and avoiding to look at her eyes because you dont want to regret seeing her eyes got hurt even though she would fake a calm face.

"well, ahmm" you hasitated, you look at your mom and she patiently wait for you to continue,

"ahm, we where planning of continuing our studies in Korea and build a little shop there" you said very nervous and your voice is breaking already, your mom chuckled at your Difficulties on saying it and because of how depress you are right now.

"What shop are you planning to make?" Your mom ask you, with hurt in her eyes and a calm expression,

"well we discuss about a small coffee shop since we all love dringking coffee" you answered your mom avoiding her stares

"And when are you planning to go?" she ask again

"well after we finish our 9th grade" you said while avoiding hes eyes

"Who are you with?" she asked again


"Jessica and Angela" you answered

"How about that guy named Kevin?" she ask and you were shock by hearing of Kevin's name,

you look at her and saw that accusing and teasing stare and grin that looks like a maniac (Maniac!? LOL XD!) and she laught at you when she saw your hot pink cheeks.

"Aigoo! okay okay ! I will agree! but you knew me if you failed to this one you know the consecquence okay?" she said and you smiled and nodded

"okay mom! what was the task?" you ask her

" well I want you to be with the top 5 in your school okay?" she said and you nodded again with a wide smile in your face

"deal!" you said. but the truth is you dont know if you can do it because you are just an average student 'For the sake of Korea and oppa I will study hard!' you said to your self



I was in my office and thingking If my decitions are right about letting you go to Korea with your friends,

I was in the deep thought when I heard a knock on her door

"Ma'am its me Kristen" a voice called

*kristen is your mother's secretary / bestfreind in the office since everybody was busy working on her clothing line company. named 'K.E clothing line'

(*why K.E? because its your innitial Kim Ella.. mkay bye!!!*)

"Yes? Come in!"

"Ma'am Mrs. Park is here" she said

"okay let her in" I said not in the mood to start a conversation

"Mrs kim?" Mrs Park or lets call her Rachalle said teasing me. Well she knew well that I hate it when my friends are calling me Mrs. Kim.

"Too formal eh?" I said frowning because Rachelle is being formal to me

Rachelle chuckled at her bestfriend.

"You still didnt change huh? after all you still hate being called 'MRS. KIM'" Rachelle stated to her bestfriend

"Well yeah! If you where the one who was calling me MRS, PARK" I mock her and she laugh, because I was getting piss.

*Suzy and Rachelle are bestfriend since there Diaper days just like the twin Park Eunji and Eunjae and Suzy's Daughter Eunjoong

"Tommorow was the day, but why are you spending your Time here in your office?" Rachelle ask and I just let out a big sigh well I guess we both feel the same, but I trust my Baby and I know she trust her twins and its a good practice too for them to learn on standing on there own feet.

"Well yeah, but you know I still cant help to worry about my princess" I stated and started to tear up again because its the first time that Ella will be far away from me.

"our princesses are old enought to take care of there own and everything is fix already" Rachelle said while comforting her Bestfriend.


boring chap chap. XD!

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