Request 1 - Switching minds

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Summary: "After finding a strange charm on a necklace, Alastor attempts to give it to the reader whereupon they end up swapping bodies. Then, Alastor convinces the reader to keep up the facade of smiling maniacally and being creepy so as not to alert anyone else to their problem while he searches through old spell books for an incantation to reverse it. All the while, they both struggle with having to deal with each other's different magic/abilities."

(Y/E/C) - your eye color

really quick an amazing thanks to @PinkLady357 because where would I be without their beautiful suggestions and inspiration?? thank you!


"No no no, it has to be more sadistic. You're doing it wrong!" Alastor quipped in your face. You frowned. Although you couldn't get the creepy grin of his just right, it wasn't like it hurt or anything. His face had built up a natural tolerance to pain or swelling since he smiled pretty much 24/7.

"This is stupid, who smiles this much?" You groaned, rubbing where he'd just poked.

"Me, (Y/N)." He sighed, exasperated. As if he was the one getting their face torn apart! You mumbled grumpily, folding our arms and deepening the frown. It was still kind of weird to be looking back at yourself, and Alastor kept accidentally beaming creepily at you. Due to the instinct of wanting to smile constantly, he would always have a conflicting array of emotions displayed on his—your—face.

"I just can't smile like you Alastor, it'll never work!" You exclaimed, slouching. Was it really this hard being Alastor? The hell did he have to do every day that made this so hard?

The Radio Demon sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose impatiently. "Ok. Give your best Alastor impression."

You stood up and straightened your spine to an uncomfortable degree, gripping your cane and giving the best smug, I'm-infinitely-better-than-you face ever. Widening your grin, you smirked and looked down at him, cocking your head to the side in a pitying glance.

"I do believe you're a fucking idiot!" You yelled with the same raw, show-biz enthusiasm Alastor managed to slip into his voice. You even gave jazz hands!

"One, I would never say that. And Two, do I always look like that?" He wrinkled his nose in disdain.

"You mean do you always look like a smug piece of shit slim Jim?" You eyed him, smirking "I don't know you tell me" You quipped, relaxing your muscles and sitting down again.

He frowned, muttering something incomprehensible. You huffed sadly, this was never going to work. And why should you try? Perhaps you could just stay inside the hotel the entire time while he figured things out, it was plausible.

"Alright, my turn." You shifted to look him in his now (Y/E/C) eyes. Which were yours. Yeah.

"Ok, basically it's the opposite of you. Slouch, laugh loudly, hum constantly. Never take anything too seriously...joke, make puns. The usual." You shrugged, no denying it would be very difficult for Alastor to mimic you.

You shook your head, grimacing. "Let's just get this show on the road" you rubbed your new-found ears, feeling the silkiness. "Your ears are so fluffy, and soft!" You cooed, reaching up to stroke them more.

Alastor growled, smacking your hand away "Stop it, we have a job to do." He hissed, a red flush popping on his, or your, cheeks.

You smirked, pulling out the monocle Alastor had yelled at you to be careful with. Inspecting it, you carefully put it on and got used to the odd sensation of only one eye that wasn't blurry.

Alastor/Reader Oneshots (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now