Request 7 - Search & Rescue

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Requested by my close friend online, PinkLady357
I love the idea!

"Can you make one where the reader or Alastor is trying to find his/ or the reader's glasses and they are hesitant on looking through every room in the hotel (including Angel's) and they both end up finding the pair of glasses in Alastor's coat?  That would be adorable!! (I always seem to misplace my own glasses so this would be hilarious to read!!)"

"ALASTORRRR" you yelled from half-way across the hotel.

As anticipated, you heard loud footsteps running to where you were. He broke through the door, a blurry mess that you couldn't exactly see.
You watched him get into a fighting position, huffing and looking around frantically, teeth bared and eyes flashing a very concerning amount of joy.

"What? Are you in trouble? Who's spine should I remove from their body!?" He grinned, inspecting the kitchen in which you both stood. You laughed nervously, making your way over to him and grabbing his arm.

"No no, no removals of anyone's spine." You began scratching the back of your neck awkwardly, "I lost my glasses. Can you help me look?" You soothed, keeping your hands planted on the his silky coat sleeve and squinting intently.

Your weren't legally blind or anything, that didn't really exist in Hell. But, you couldn't see very far. Or very well. It was kind of like looking through a sheet of ice or smudged glass.

"Oh." He said, straightening out and dusting of his coat. You snickered and reached out for the door frame, finding it quickly and deciding you would just estimate where everything was.

"Come on. We need to retrace my steps," you sighed. Alastor smiled, raising an eyebrow.

"And where were you last?"

"Angels room." You grimaced.
His smile lessened for a second; glancing back at you. "Why, (Y/N)." He shook his head disdainfully and you hissed defensively, "Oh shut up you big baby!".
Pushing him out the door, you nearly sent him nearly crashing into a wall.


Approximately five stubbed toes and a bruised knee later, you stood in from of the arachnids room, already dreading what you'd need to search through.

"Ok." You breathed in, unlocking the door and giving Alastor a quick glance. He just grinned malevolently at you, nothing new.
"Three. Two. One!"

Ok, so you weren't expecting that much pink.
"Oh my fucking god..." You breathed, eyeing the room and fighting the urge to shield your eyes, even if it was hard to see.
"Indeed." Alastor agreed, cringing audibly alongside you (how do you cringe audibly?)

Delicately picking up a ball gag, you tried to touch as little as possible and nearly gagged.

Haha. Get it. Gagged? As in the ball gag—

You mentally facepalmed at your stupidity. Of course. Humor was no coping mechanism.
Tossing it across the room, you glanced over at a mirror with brightly lit bulbs surrounding it, and decided you'd better check, just in case.

After sifting clumsily through the drawers and finding a very, very scary assortment of kinky equipment...well, you never found it. Awkwardly sidling up to Alastor, you watched him eye a dildo and pushed it away with one finger. You grabbed about for his arm and tugged to pull him out of the room.

"Asexual, huh?" You asked when out of the room. Alastor turned to you with a look of confusion written all over his face. You scoffed.

"Asexual? Not liking the thought of sex?" You tried again. You had to remind yourself that he was from the 30s, and most of this was completely new to him...

"OK. Yeah, I hated being in there too, but just...something on your face. You really really hated it, huh? Its probably why you dislike Angel; because you dislike sex." His eyes widened, and you snorted, " Angel and sex are basically the same thing, honestly"

He nodded slowly, it was like watching a baby discover that in peekaboo, nobody really disappeared. "Yes, I suppose you're right. I've always found it rather disgusting..."

"That's ok. You don't have to do anything you don't want to." you shrugged, letting go of his arm in favor of the railing to the lobby. He smiled brilliantly at you, giving your shoulder a stiff pat. You put your hand over his, smiling as well. "Thank you, (Y/N) my dear." He murmured gratefully.

"I don't think I've ever known that part of me." He added. You nodded cheerfully, starting to make your way down the stairs clumsily. He tsked and shook his head.

Turning to him questioningly, all you saw was a flash of red and the whole world shifted--no, it was Alastor piCKING YOU UP--

"ALASTOR" you screeched, clawing at his back to steady yourself. He was quite strong for being so skinny. Your heartbeat thundered in your chest, and he chuckled dryly while readjusting his grip on you--bridal style.

"You can't walk down the stairs! You'll hurt yourself, my dear!" He laughed, zooming away. You yelped and squeezing your eyes shut.

oh please dear lord, he better not drop me.

Soon you had reached your destination, and you were pretty convinced that your heart had stopped along with your brain short-circuiting. It wasn't a pleasant feeling.

Rubbing your strained neck, you grumbled unhappy things under your breath.
I don't have whiplash, do I?

Alastor kept his hold on you however, even when you reached the bottom and no longer needed to be man-handled. You felt a prod by your rib...what..?


"Alastor!" You hissed, struggling to get out of his hands.

Asexual my ass!

Grimacing, you smoothed put your rumpled clothes and gave him a seething look.

This guy has a boner right after we talk serious? Jesus Christ.
You advanced, narrowing your eyes and slightly cringing.

He put his hands up an amused defense, but still looked confused. You huffed angrily and crossed your arms, trying to push down the blush that threatened to swarm your cheeks.

"What is it my dear?" He asked, lips curling into a frown.
Does he not realize....?

You took a deep breath and sighed
"You just got a..." eyes glancing to where his pocket was, you realized that it wasn't anything like that at all. Shuffling closer, on inspection it looked like something around his own ribs had poked you instead.

You ordered him to lift his arms so you could look at the inner-pockets. Searching around, you found the source of awkwardness and...

"Alastor why do you have my glasses?"

You frowned and wiped them clean, unfolding them and sliding them onto your face. Sighing, you smiled. It was nice to see clearly again, everything was so crisp.
Meanwhile, Alastor was looking in the other direction and completely avoiding your gaze.

"Al?" You questioned, cocking an eyebrow in suspicion, "did you know where they were the whole time?"
He cleared his throat and gave you a weak half smile. "You...fell asleep on me yesterday." He began, face taking on a light pink dusting, "I feared your glasses would break. I must've forgotten them in my coat."

He coughed stiffly, "Apologies."

You snickered, ignoring the blooming blush that grew on your face as well. It was futile to be flustered. Especially at the part where you fell asleep on Alastor.

"Thanks? Sorry for...snoozing on you." You laughed dryly, scratching the back of your neck. He frowned, "it's ok. It wasn't all bad."

You shook your head fondly, giving him a small grin and pressing a small thank you kiss to his cheek. He gaped at you, rubbing the spot you touched.

Winking at him cheekily, you pushed his mouth closed and abandoned him in the room.


Took me awhile but it's here! Also the endings a bit abrupt but OH WELL
(1311 words)

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