Request 1 part 3/3 - Switching back

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Requested by the lovely @EllaAspenFrost who's been here in support for quite some time!

Summary: "After finding a strange charm on a necklace, Alastor attempts to give it to the reader whereupon they end up swapping bodies. Then, Alastor convinces the reader to keep up the facade of smiling maniacally and being creepy so as not to alert anyone else to their problem while he searches through old spell books for an incantation to reverse it. All the while, they both struggle with having to deal with each other's different magic/abilities."


"Alastor, dear you look a little pale. Did I scare you baby boy?" Angel Dust inquired in the kitchen. You cringed inwardly, determines to keep the smile.
"I won't hesitate to stab you with my antlers, insect." You snapped, leaning away from his prying hands.

You caught eyes with Alastor, who was in your body, cringing in the corner.

"You don't seem like yourself (Y/N). Are you alright?" Charlie inquired, reaching for your—or his—face. He instinctively flinched away, attempting to form a small smile on your lips.

"Oh-oh, I'm sure she's fine. Just a little nervous for a special project we'll be working on!" You said, trying to shift the attention over to you. Alastor was clearly feeling uncomfortable in your skin—again.

Maybe we should rip off our skin—itch itch.
Bloodied and dropping, wouldn't that be quite the spectacle?

An image filled your mind, and you widened your eyes fearfully and shook your head to clear the thoughts and voice.

"Shut up." You hissed through your teeth, causing Charlie to raise an eyebrow.

"I didn't say anything?" She said. You grinned widely as Alastor would, catching eyes with him. Subconsciously picking at your skin, your eye twitched uncontrollably. He seemed to know right away that you were having another episode, and frowned.

"You're messing with your skin again (Y)—Alastor." He corrected.

Hes going to blow our cover.

You rolled your eyes as Alastor would, and forced your arm to your sides, beaming at him. "I hadn't noticed. Why thank you, (Y/N)." You deadpanned, graciously smiling with your eyes.

He nodded, standing up and dragging you by the hand, "We best be going!"

You pretend-seethed. "let go of me you pathetic ingrate!"

That's something he's said to me often. I remember.

The others called after, confuse while you rushed away. Alastor turned back to you with accusing eyes. "I don't say that to you!"

"Yes you do." You shot back, huffing as the lights suddenly became to bright and the muffled chatter of the hotel too loud.

"Let's just get back to our station." You murmured, heading to the elevator. "There's still a few things we need."


Alastor stepped through the door, a frown immediately coming about his face as he flopped onto his bed and growled curses to himself.

"How do you deal with this shit? I swear to god, every demon I've passed on the street has tried to rape me! What the fuck?" he yelled, clearly having just come back from the errand.

"Sorry. But we are living in Hell, where people like that go." You informed him, lighting the last candle. He didn't respond, dragging the bag of rock dust to you and began to pour it the way the book ordered.
Hopefully this would work.

Alastor/Reader Oneshots (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now