Request 3 - Cracked Ribs

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Requested from the famous @01SpiderQueen10 , who needs no introduction!

"Ok. Hear me out. Tsundere Alastor."

I took a few creative liberties in the plot of this story BECAUSE SOMEBODY  DIDN'T GET THE MEMO THAT THE REQUESTS SHOULD BE DETAILED (just kidding my friend)


"Hey Alastor, want to come to play Uno with me, Angel Dust, Charlie, and Vaggie?" You smiled, leaning forward on the check-in desk to the hotel. He grinned that cold, malicious grin of his and seemingly reprimanded you in disgust with his eyes. You shrunk away slightly, lowering your eyes to rethink your life choices.

"It would be a pity if I wasted my time with an insignificant card game such as Uno." He replied, flipping through the hotel's pamphlet with a clear disdain for your unrelenting presence.

You kept up your cheery smile and nodded understandingly. "Alright, I just thought I'd ask you off-brand slim Jim."

He growled at your little comment, and put up a little paper sign that read "please come back soon"

You took the hint and glared at him before racing off to play the beloved card-game with your friends.


"Fucking REVERSE baby!" Angel shouted, throwing down the yellow Uno card and fist pumping the air with three of his arms. "And. Uno!" He smugly showed off the singular card in his hand. You rolled your eyes and threw down your draw 4 cards, waiting for the utter failure and disappointment to paint his face.

"Uno." You purred, flexing the one card you held.

You grinned evilly and winked at him, changing the color to green. Charlie And Vaggie snickered to each other, smiling at you and Angels rivalry.

Once your turn rolled around again, you threw down your green three and declared sweet, sweet victory. Too bad Alastor wasn't here to brood in his wallowing hatred of you. You frowned, the pleasure of winning dulling for a minute at the thought of him.

"I'll be right back, I gotta get some drugs," you said, needing a breather.

Slipping out of the dimly lit room, you heard the shuffle of cards fading away as you exited the hotel through the back door.


Ah, the classic Heroin. My favorite.
You thought will unbridled glee, pressing the button with an eager finger.

As your beloved drug tumbled out of the machine to be collected. You sniffed the bag, delightedly greeted by the scent of vinegar, burning your nostrils.

Before you could grab your needle and fulfill the purpose of the drug, you heard whispering coming from a dark alleyway right next to you. You peered in, stuffing the supplies into your pocket and stepping cautiously into what could be a sketchy scene.

Hiding in the shadows behind a dumpster, you inspected the silhouetted figures, immediately recognizing the tall one.


...surrounded by at least five ram demons. Jesus Christ, this guy.

"Dear gentlemen, I mean you absolutely no harm. Unless you are able to fulfill my simple request, hmm?" The murderer incredulously threatened half-heartedly. You rolled your eyes, this was pointless.
Why were you spying on Alastor?

One such demon who's good side you were trying to get on. What luck.

You were about to slip away, when, the grunt and thud of a figure falling onto the concrete alarmed you. Soundlessly grabbing a pipe you'd spotted leaning up against the dumpster, you looked for who had fallen.

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