Request 4 - Unrequited & Abused

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"How about an "x one-sided reader" (with Mimzy as his lover and this could be a mini-series of one-shots) or cheating Alastor (never seen that one before) I'm an angsty person hehehehhh"

this is going to be so hard to write tbh, but it must be done!


Ok, yes. 

you had a tiny crush on the destructive, mass murderer known as the Radio Demon, or Alastor more personally. You admitted it, now could the stupid butterflies go away? it was driving you insane! 

But it wasn't that big of a deal really, considering all the cards stacked against you currently. You weren't a powerful demon and were always hanging out with Angel. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Alastor hated the spider demon. 

But it wasn't all of that. It was his queen, Mimzy. You didn't blame him, you liked Mimzy...she seemed to match Alastor crazy; something you weren't quite capable of. She was a lot of things. She had passion, a firey spirit, nice curves...

You shook your head, you wouldn't let these thoughts plague your mind 24/7. Of course, you would most likely never get what you wanted, but you were fine with that. 

it wasn't the end of the world if he never liked you.


"Alastor, honey, can you pass me the paintbrush on your left?" Mimzy yelled across the building. He did so and threw it perfectly, the lady catching it with ease. 

Currently, you, Alastor and Mimzy were doing a much-needed paint job on the side of the hotel. Some kids thought it would be funny to spray paint dicks on the side. So, here you were.

"Alastor can you pass the--" you began, but a menacing look from Mimzy shut you up immediately. Getting the paint yourself, you looked away as she kept glaring at the back fo your head.

 Lately, this had been happening more often than not. Every time you tried to talk with Alastor, Mimzy would shoot you down. Because you didn't want to aggravate the woman, you kept quiet, but it was becoming more and more difficult to ignore! If you so much as looked at him...

"Back to work!" Mimzy shouted, hands on her hips. Alastor looked on in amusement, hand on her shoulder. 

You sighed an gave up, walking away from the two to go tell Charlie you felt a little sick. Of course, you didn't actually, but you needed a quick escape. Perhaps a good smoke with Angel would make you feel better. 

"And where do you think you're going?" Came a sassy reply. You flushed and stopped abruptly, why did you think you could get away with that? 

The clicking of angry heels came up behind you, as well as the careful steps of Alastor. You sighed, turning around and facing them head-on. As Mimzy got in your face, you felt your anger flare up. Who the fuck was she, to hate you for even breathing in her 'King's'  direction? You were done being someone's puppet! 

While you tuned out her incessant whining and cursing, you glared at her, giving one glance to Alastors submissive face before knowing what you had to do.


Mimzy was stunned, and to be honest, so were you. Lowering your quivering hand, you huffed and gave one final shake of the head to both of them.

Meanwhile, Alastor was helping Mimzy off the ground, that dramatic bitch. You huffed, sniffing and holding back tears as he seethed at you. 

You flipped him off and mouthed a 'fuck you' as you turned the corner, watching his surprised face disappear as you turned the corner and ran. "This isn't over, you bitch!" Came Mimzys faint reply. 

Once you had gotten far enough away, you scouted for Angel's office. bitterly kicking a wall, you didn't even care about the pain, even welcoming it. 

Coming to a halt near an abandoned dumpster, you hopped in, ignoring the smell. Putting your head in your knees, you felt hot tears begin to drip down your cheeks and leave a salty taste on your lips. You kept your cries quiet, trying not to attract attention. Lord knows what creep would try to rape you if he saw you disheveled and crying in literal trash. Trash

It just wasn't fair. Why did she have to treat you like that? What did you ever do to her? Nothing! Why was Alastor ok with it? He witnessed her time and time again abuse you, yet said nothing. How come you couldn't get Alastor? What did Mimzy have that you didn't? 

A lot of things, apparently.

She was such a bitch! Maybe Alastor liked them brutal and mean, which wasn't really what you were. Yeah, sarcasm was nice, but straight up abuse wasn't your forte.

Tears slipped down your face again, turning your face hot, blotchy and red. Your vision blurred and you tried to plaster a weak smile upon your face.

What were you going to do now? Your whole life in Hell, based around two demons. What happens when you take purpose away from someone? Everything you had ever done was built around them, and now...

they were gone.

Looking down at your red, stinging hand, you smiled and swelled with a sense of pride. You had finally done was Angel told you to do. Stood up for yourself. 

And it was the greatest feeling. You could still feel her skin on your hand, even. It was an ever-present, amazing sensation that you wanted more of.

Hardening your gaze, a determined smirk came about your face. You could really do things now! No longer held down by your feelings for him...It was finally your card to play. And you had many, many options.

You jumped out of the dumpster, a new feeling of fulfillment and beginning that had never been there before. 

Finally, you were free. 


like a fucking phoenix rising from ashes bitches, IM BACK WITH TWO NEW CHAPTERS. 

(987 words, sorry its so short.)

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