Request 10 - Abusive

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@GBTStudio "Can we get some yandere alastor up in here, that would be real good. Just alastor is very overprotective and doesn't let the reader talk to any male characters, tries keeping them away from the outside world."

Lovely idea :) I'm going to try for a bittersweet ending bc I don't have the heart to write abusive shit.
EDIT: I totally wrote toxic shit. I lied. Also I didn't proof read this oops.

Also, wtf why are all of you into the toxic relationships??? Who hurt you???


"Alastor, I'm going to the store—try not to mangle any demons while I'm gone okay? We're trying to give the hotel a good reputation!" You called, straightening your shirt collar and peeking into the main room of the hotel.
Alastor gave no response, so you decided to wait until you saw him to leave. He was quite...paranoid of you leaving him without notice.

"How's it hanging Husker?" You decided on some casual conversation with the wasted fool; even if you mostly got 'fuck you's in return.

"It's Husk, and have you seen the corona? Alastor promised me cheap beer and I have yet to see my endless supply anywhere" he grumbled. Rolling your eyes fondly, you let your gaze wander to the doorframe.

"Alastor!" You tried again.

"Yes, darling?" He cheerily said—appearing out of a void on the ceiling.

That never gets any less scary.

"Ahem. I'm going out, and Husk wants a corona, you promised him cheap booze remember?"

"Ah, good point! Husker my dear fellow, I forgot all about our little deal!" He babbled, rolling a can off his shoulder and onto the counter. He slid it over to husk with the flick of his wrist. You watched the exchange soundlessly, just waiting to leave.

Alastor turned to you expectantly "What is it you're going out for dear?" He said with a gleam in his eyes. "The hotel needs more toilet paper and Vaggie asked me to grab some." You informed him.

Alastor pauses for a moment, open-mouthed grin fading for a split second. "Dear, let me grab it for you! I'll be in and out in a flash," he snapped his fingers and a fresh roll of toilet paper appeared.

"Of course." You sighed, giving him a weary smile. "Yeah, you can get em. I'll just be here talking to Husk I suppose." You trailed off, looking back at the drunkard.

"Oh no no no, no. That simply cannot do." He tutted, shoving you out of the room and into the staff-kitchen. You planted your feet on the ground and turned back to glare at him, "Alastor it's just Husk what the hell!?" You shouted quietly. There were, after all, people around.

Alastor just shook his head, like he was talking to a child. "Dear, I should be the only man you hang about! Am I not good enough for you?" He tilted his head, and despite the wicked smile you felt as if he was sad.

Well. He loves me...of course he's got attachment issues. I mean, I'm here to help him? And shouldn't I love him for who he is, and respect him?

You're mind didn't sway from the troubled feel, but you did go limp and walk out of Alastors grip.
"Okay" you murmured, giving him a tired smile, as you knew he'd want one.

"You look beautiful in your smile dear." He said, caressing your cheek. You nuzzled into the comforting touch; yet there was an unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach.

"I'll be back."

He was gone.

You were allowed a moment of silence with your swirling thoughts, tears dripping silently down your cheeks before he reappeared.

Powers, right.

You hastily wiped your emotions away, determined to not show him. He probably had enough to deal with.

"How hard was that darling?" He questioned, a patronizing tone to his voice. You frowned at the red patches on his coat—blood?
"Al, what happened to your coat?" You asked hesitantly. You sort of knew the answer, anyways.

"Just a run in with a few nasty demons, nothing to worry about." He said, pulling you to your feet and pecking your forehead with his lips. You shook your head and grabbed Deb his arms, pushing them away from you.

"I know that's not what happened." You mumbled under your breath; it was never just a few demons with him. He always had to put on a show.

"We talked about this Al—you can't just murder people!"
Your voice raised as every emotion held in that day came boiling to the surface. This was it, the breaking point.

"Now (Y/N) you know i can't help it! You're supposed to love me for my true self...if you can't do that then..." he trailed off with a somber look.

"No, this is not what a relationship looks like! A relationship is helping each other...building the other up!" You cried, voice rising to a shout, "And..." you searched for the words frantically.

"You treat me as if I'm someone who's supposed to love you no matter what! You guilt trip me and lie to me...pull me away from my friends!"

Everything was clicking into place.

"Youre...gaslighting me, Jesus Christ!"

Alastor was silent. He stood still and tall above your face. Taking a slow step forward, your eyes widened and then did you realize exactly what was happening; it was too late.

The slap echoed around the room, burning its place in your mind and on your face.

You were out of the room before Alastor could hit you again.

You were in Angels room, crying in the corner.

And, by morning, you were back in Alastors arms. Guilty murmuring apologies.


This chapter was started months ago and ended today. Wow. I'm resuming this book bc I missed writing for Alastor—even if it is FUCKING ABUSIVE.
I didn't mean for this fox to be so...heavy. Sorry  if I triggered any of you :(
If you're in an abusive relationship recognize the signs.

{1003 words}

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