Request 6 - Stockholm Syndrome

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"How about an Alastor x Doll demon reader? (Something like this: they know each other in their past life, she was a psychologist and Alastor was her patient, he falls in love with her and obsesses. In hell he kidnaps her someway and then he tries to win her heart. (Despite keeping her bound and gagged to prevent her from escaping) she tries to resist at first.

If it's not a problem for you, what do you say about adding some light non-consensual steamy teasing (kissing and caressing)"

Warning: this will include non-consensual things, as the request says. If you are uncomfortable with that, skip the chapter. (Nothing as crazy as rape tho so don't worry)


(I'm going to jump right in because I know it'll get harder to write)
"Do you find that talking with me helps?" (Y/N) asked, giving Alastor a warm smile that made his heart absolutely melt.
"I do indeed!" He charmed, earning a slight sigh from her. Was his answer not satisfactory?

"I know that's a lie. Alastor, I'll be straight with you. You're in here for murdering hundreds. Men, women, children. I was asked to come here and help you so you don't stay locked in this insane asylum for the rest of you life" she crossed her arm and put the clipboard on the desk.

Each morning, Alastor had marvelous sessions with his beloved counselor. She was just a swell person, Alastor decided when he first saw her.

"I do enjoy talking to you." He began, completely ignoring her speech from a few seconds ago.
"I think the voices may have gotten to you too. I think I've been getting quite better, I don't know how you could think otherwise!" He laughed loudly, tears streaming down his cheeks.

(Y/N) sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"The reports from the doctors say otherwise. I want to help you, Alastor, I really do. But I need you to meet me half way." She narrowed her eyes slightly, "we both know you have no interest in improving."

He grinned slyly, "finally, someone figured it out. Not every crazy person wants to be fixed, my dear!" He sighed, pulling at the straitjacket that uncomfortably locked his arms in place.
"You see, we think we're too far gone. So why bother changing now, when I could ruthlessly murder people and still have fun!"

(Y/N) intently listened, scribbling frantically on her board.
"Vital information, you've finally gotten something out of me!" He cried joyfully. It was easy to read her, she was such an open book!

"Ok, I think that's it for today Alastor. Get some rest, I'll be back tomorrow." She smiled nervously and gave him a hesitant pat on the head.

He sighed dreamily and gave her a crooked smile. She had yet to discover his true intentions.


A burlap sack completely surrounded your head, and as far as you could tell, the rest of your body was tied to a chair with very rough rope.

Struggling slightly, you determined that the rope was unbreakable in your current position. It was probably better to save your strength for when your kidnapper came around.

The scratchy bag was ripped forcefully of your head, catching on your chin and straining your neck backwards. You cringed, they weren't the nicest abductor, apparently.

"Morning, my lovely dear!" He, you discovered, chirped cheerfully. Snarling and gritting your teeth, you didn't speak a word. He had this weird smile, it didn't look forced or strained but...very natural? It was odd because he hadn't stopped smiling. Was he just that much of a creep he couldn't wait to kill you or something? He did however, remind you of someone on earth.

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