Request 5 - My red-tinted reflection

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"Alastor x deer demon reader"

(I really like reading these ones, and I took many creative liberties)


Edit: I really like the powers of the reader and this story. So if anyone wanst a full-fledged story out of this, I'm taking that into consideration!

Edit 2: There is now a story made out of this!! Check it out on my account.



There was another name most feared in Hell, and let me be clear, it wasn't that of the petty Radio Demon. I'm not particularly fond of that frivolous freak, but I can't speak ill of him considering I've never inherently met the guy. All I know is that he's competing against me for my glorious, well-earned title of 'The Mistress of Blood'

This Radio Demon bull-shit is a clear joke. 

Sure, his acts of destruction and chaos are impressive; I'll give him that. But, he lacks a certain precision and poise when completing certain tasks. I, however, act with swiftness and class. If you were to ever bear witness of his antics, you would notice the way he slips in his professionalism. He lacks any sense of self-control, and, he fails to compose himself afterward.

I have had the great pleasure of witnessing his malevolent violence, and the aftermath of such. It is a disgrace to all who respect clear murder, and he can barely contain his excitement. I, however, act with absolute dedication and organization. Would you rather have a dead-set serial killer running rampant, or, a practiced, seasoned....let's say more efficient murderer. 

This concludes the prologue.

Yes, you believed yourself to be a better homicidal maniac than The Radio Demon, minus the maniac part. Of course, to be a murderer, insanity comes with the job, you were destined to be somewhat crazy (Call it an occupational hazard if you will.) in any aspect; you just kept your wild side more in check than he did. He was like a ravenous animal sometimes, really, it was insulting. But, you admired his charisma. 

The Radio Demon, everyone knew. And The Mistress of Blood, everyone also knew. It perhaps was due to the fact that you looked unbelievably similar, both being red deer demons and all. Although, while he had his own set of destructive powers, so did you. One would argue you were more vocally impressive, in a sense. You're were more believed to be real powers, rather than skill.

You had the ability to erase neuron patterns in the brain with immense concentration. In other words, erase fragments of people's memories. The real show-stopper was your gift to control the nerves to do whatever you so pleased in anything's body. Any organism really. Quite the scary ability, anyone would agree. Your name was technically incorrect, The Mistress of Nerves would be more accurate. But Blood was quite catchy if you were being honest. The Mistress of Nerves didn't quite have the same paralyzing effect, although it seriously should have. 

Anyways, what that meant, was you couldn't kill someone, but cause immense pain. Nerves control pain receptors in your brain, and you controlled said nerves. Therefore you controlled pain. 

Although you never ruthlessly killed for fun, it was actually quite the stressing job. Think of it more as population control rather than straight massacres. Everything should have a specific purpose, you thought. 

It was an excellent motto to live by.

Now, you had heard that recently, a hotel had opened. This was good news because that meant that your self imposed job became about 50 percent easier if people did flock to this glorified rehabilitation center. You were impressed that such an idea came from the princess of kindness herself. You gagged at the implications.

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