Part 2... CH 6

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It has been 2 weeks since you and Jimin made love in the shower and you and him have been completely inseparable, you have practically moved into Jungkook's house and abandoned your apartment so you and Jimin can be together more. You have even talked about getting a place of your own with Jimin soon. Things are great and you are happier than you have ever been. You have yet to do anything in front of the guys and unsure if you want to. Your bruises have faded and the marks on your neck are gone.

"Hey guys, let's watch this looks so good." Jin yells through the house.

"What's it called?" Namjoon yells out from his study.

"It's called take your ass to living room and sit down." Yoongi yells jokingly standing beside Jin.

Everyone slowly starts making their way towards the living room and you and Jimin are left sharing an over-sized chair, you really don't mind sitting on his lap. 

"I honestly didn't know there was going to be scenes like this in here..sorry guys" Tae trails off, looking toward Jimin.

You could feel Jimin growing under you and shifted to try and keep him covered. "It's the risk you take when you have never seen a movie before, no worries."

You have gotten a lot closer with all of the guys and even spent some 1 on 1 time getting to know them. You have cooked with Jin, watched videos with Yoongi, painted with Tae, went bike riding with Joonie, danced with Hoseok at his studio, and even had more time with Kookie. You were all like a big happy family.

You glanced around the room and saw the others looking a little uncomforted by the spicy sex scenes in the movie so you stood up to pause the video and offered to refill drinks and popcorn for everyone. Jin came to help you in the kitchen, you were the amazing kitchen team. 

"Sorry about the movie." Jin said softly while pouring sprite into the cups.

"It's honestly ok Jinnie, don't worry about it." You smile at him warmly, shaking popcorn to coat it evenly with the butter.

"I think that we just get really uncomfortable during the sex scenes because it has been so long for us since we have had anything. I hope we don't bother you with our actions and behavior." He looks around, avoiding eye contact.

"I understand, it's totally ok. You guys are all so busy and there's really just no time. Don't worry." You grab some cups with your free hand and you both head back into the living room.

The silence as you enter is a little uncomfortable but eases as you and Jin start handing out bowls and cups refilled and everyone thanks you both. Tae and Hoseok keep looking at Jimin who keeps watching your ass in your short cut off shorts. You catch Yoongi looking at your ass and down your shirt when , you hand him his cup and bowl, but you say nothing and take your seat back on Jimin's lap.

The sex scenes begin to intensify and you can feel Jimin struggling with his growth so you start to palm him through his jeans, trying to help him ease up a bit and eyeing the others to make sure they don't see. You feel Jimin run his hand up your inner thigh and you drop your bowl causing everyone to look at you, your face going hot red. Jimin's hand still on your inner thigh and yours still on his growth.

"S...sorry guys..."You mumble softly, feeling the warmth to your core. You have never been this red around them before.

"Well at least someone is getting some relief from this." Hoseok stares at Jimin's hand on your inner thigh, licking at his lips.

"Jiminie..." You trail off turning to look at Jimin and breaking the gaze with Hoseok.

"What baby?" He smiles devilishly at you, causing you to get hotter.

"Your hand.." You look down, feeling the heat in your face.

"Oh..sorry baby..." He runs it up higher on your thigh, causing your breath to catch.

He starts to rub at you through your shorts and part of you wants this so badly and the other keeps screaming at you to stop him. The way the guys are looking at you is turning you on more, they look so hungry and curious at the same time.

"Remember what we talked about awhile back baby?" Jimin kisses at your neck.

"Yes.." You say breathy.

" Do you want to sexy?" Jimin rubs at you harder.

"Yes baby..." you lay your head back on his shoulder.

Jimin undoes your shorts and stand you up so he can pull them off. As soon as your panties come into view you hear 6 sets of breath all catch in unisom and you swear it sounded like Joon said "god damn" but you're not sure. Jimin tugs at your shirt and you lift your arms so he can remove your shirt, freeing your breasts yourself you drop your bra on the floor.

"Fuck..." Hoseok lets out a half moan. You survey the room and notice that everyone is hard and rubbing slightly at themselves with hunger in their eyes.

"Jesus..."Jin is almost out of air completely as Jimin takes down your panties.

Jimin sits back in the chair and pulls you down on top of him, running his hands over your body and kissing your neck. He slowly starts to rub your wetness and you drop your head back on his shoulder and feel his touch, fully letting yourself go with this. Jimin slides a finger deep into you and you moan loudly.

"Holy shit.." Yoongi sits forward and licks his lips.

"Damn..." Namjoon trying to find more words.

"Rub your breasts baby, play with your nipples, feel good sexy." Jimin breaths into your ear before biting it gently causing you to moan again.

Jimin adds a second finger, curling them to hit your spot and make you moan loud and grind against him as you pinch your nipples and bite your lip.

"Fucking hell.." Tae breaths out mumbled.

"Cum for me baby, let go and show them how this pretty pussy cums for me." Jimin bites your neck, causing you to let yourself go around his fingers.

You survey the room as you pull your clothes back on. Jungkook has yet to speak, you can see the spot of wetness in his jeans, he looks like he has just been fucked hard and left behind. Tae is staring at you like he has never seen a woman before in his entire life and shares the same wet spot in his jeans that Kookie had in his. Yoongi is kicked back on the couch watching you seductively, no wet spot but he acts like he just fucked for a marathon. Jin in a state of shock, covering his wet spot, debating on if he should move or not. Hoseok is glazed over, totally spent and laying on his side on the floor, his jeans look the most wet. Namjoon has left his body and has his head laying on the back of the couch, trying to move. Jimin looks content with himself and smiles up at you.

"It's getting late, we should probably get to bed soon." Jimin stands up and grabs you around the waist, lifting you into his arms and slapping your ass. "Goodnight guys." He chuckles as he walks out of the room and down the hallway towards the bedroom.

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