Part 1..CH 5

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"What hell? I thought you said you didn't want a relationship right now and here you are running off all day and fucking this guy you just met!" Jungkook comes bursting into your room.

"What the hell Kookie. Why are you so pissed, you wanted this. You wanted me to meet him, you picked out my dress, you had him drive me to my apartment for clothes to stay the weekend here. Now you come bursting in like a jealous husband chewing at me for doing everything you rooted for!" You yelled back at him. 

You and Jungkook only had 4 real fights since age 5 and none of them ever really lasted that long. Yes, he protected you and he was very over protective when it came to you and other guys, but this was something really new and you didn't know how to approach it all. He wanted this, what right does he have getting angry now.

"I was scared out of my mind Y/N! I had no idea where you were, if you were ok or not. No one would answer my texts or calls." He yelped at you.

"Jungkook, you said I could trust him that he was a good guy so why the hell would you worry about me being gone and alone with him?" You scoff.

"You are totally missing my point y/n!" His face reddens and he stomps out of your room, closing the door behind him.

"Can I come in?" Jin speaks softly through the door.

You open the door up and smile at him. "What's up Jin?"

"I was planning dinner for everyone and I wasn't to sure what you would eat and I thought I would ask because we eat very authentic here most of the time." He smiles at you.

"You are so sweet. I grew up around Kookie so I am used to everything he eats, thank you so much for asking." You smile at him as he leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

You think that Jin and Hoseok are definitely the two sweetest out of all that you have met. Tae is the funny, weird guy who always tries to make you laugh during breakfast and dinner. Namjoon is a true intellectual and the way he speaks leaves you totally blown away. Yoongi seems grumpy and tired a lot but he has been kind to you and very respectful, you're sure once he gets to know you better that he will open up more to you.

Your phone buzzes, sending you back from your thoughts. It's Kookie, apologizing for his behavior and asking if you need anything and congratulating you and Jimin. You thank him, tell him you are going to shower and ask if he knows where Jimin is at. He tells you he will go look for him and tells you again how sorry he is and that he knows he is the one who brought you two together. You thank him and turn off your phone to charge it while you shower away the day with Jimin.

You grab your pajamas and head to your shower unsure of what the hell Jungkook's actual problem was. His words are replaying over and over in your head as you adjust the water and strip your clothes off, crawling in. The water stings at your soreness and you wince. You have bruises on your hips where Jimin had dug into you, the marks on your neck were very red and visible now, your inner thighs were red and had slight bruises from the 7 times back to back and you could barely hold yourself up on your legs from the soreness between your legs. You didn't care what it looked like on your body, you felt so good..better than you have felt in years and you felt happy. 

You grabbed for the shampoo and felt a set of warm hands touch your waist, you smiled big.

" You are set to kill me, aren't you?" Turning around to give him a kiss.

His body looked so good under the water and all of your soreness left your body at once. He looked concerned and pulled you in quickly. That smell of him came back to you, how could it calm you and make you feel so secure just that fast?

"Is something wrong baby?" You look up at him.

"I don't really know. Yes and no." He looks down to meet your eyes.

"Talk to me baby, you can talk to me about anything. What's wrong?" you run your fingers over his back softly to soothe him.

" I overheard the guys talking about you and how you looked in your shorts when we got home from our picnic. How they thought I was lucky for getting to see you naked and feel your touch and feel your body. I know they have been just as neglected as I have when it comes to a woman. The only women we see are the staff girls and they are like family." He kisses your shoulder gently.

"I'm sorry for dressing that way around them, I will be more careful in the future, I didn't really..." You start.

" No baby, please don't be sorry. You were dressed fine and you looked great. They just haven't seen a girl other than our staff noonas. I feel bad for them and I kind of thought that maybe we could let them see you before you had to go home. Only if you are comfortable with it, please tell me no if you aren't I will totally understand." Jimin kisses your forehead sweetly.

"W...would they touch me or anything? I..I mean..I..." You take in a deep sigh, not sure how to word what you're trying to say.

"No baby, they won't touch you. I just thought maybe they could just see your perfect beautiful body and maybe it would help them settle more with you." He smiles down at you.

"O...ok.." You trail off, kissing his soft lips.

"I.. I know I keep at this..I'm sorry..." Jimin starts, running his hand through his wet hair trying to find the words he wants. 

" I want to be yours before that happens Jimin. I want to know that you are mine and I am yours. I want it and I know I will be safe and happy with you." You kiss his shoulder and nuzzle into him, taking in his scent again.

"I want that, I really want that baby. I am yours, all yours. You are mine, all mine. God baby, yes!" He picks you up and your legs wrap around him as he kisses you deeply.

"I knew when I looked into your eyes today during our moment together before we came for the last time, I felt you, I mean..I just knew you were mine and everything you said was really you." You smiled at him warmly, kissing his nose.

"I want one thing, before we do this. I want to make love to you. I want us to be one and feel the magic between us." He kisses your nose and looks into your eyes.

"Jimin...I..." You start to say how sore you are.

"I know you're sore baby, I won't hurt you, please trust me. It isn't like we have been doing." He trails kisses down from your lips to your neck, kissing both sides where the marks were at.

He kisses down your chest to the red marks on each nipple and kisses them gently, kisses his finger bruises on both of your hips and kisses gently at your soreness. You feel grab your ankle and rest your leg on his shoulder and you grab the shelves to help you from falling. He starts to lick at your redness alternating between licks and soft kisses, trying to ease your pain up. You twist your fingers into his wet hair as it starts to feel good and the sore starts to leave.

"Jimin.." You moan out breathless.

He grabs you and holds you as you wrap your legs around him, he pins you between his wet body and the shower wall as he slowly pushes down on your hips so you can start being filled up by his throbbing thickness. You wince and he stops, just holding you and looking into your eyes. He runs his fingers over your cheek and smiles at you so sweetly.

"God you are so beautiful baby." He kisses you and you feel his tongue twist into yours and you lower down onto him more.

Your moans connecting together and bodies running in perfect sync to each others , his eyes never leaving yours you make love for the first time in your lives. Jimin was right, it was different and it didn't hurt, it was beautiful and raw and real and you could feel yourself slipping into his arms forever.

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