Part 1...CH 7

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Seeing the guys the way they were would probably never leave your brain. You really didn't think it would turn you on as much as it did, the idea of them being so hungry that they all were left in such a shape kept you feeding on it for longer than you knew you should have been. Every time you were around any of them now, there was a slight level of discomfort and a bittersweet pleasure that plagued you. You all tried to keep things as casual as normal but  it was clear it was just not the same. The way their eyes would follow you, watch your ass, the way they would bite their lips and roll back their eyes. You felt semi guilty for them being this way and also because you wanted more of it.

Jimin didn't really talk about that night anymore and it had been over a week since it happened. You don't understand how he couldn't think of it at all, how it didn't bother him. You and him had an amazing sex life and an even better relationship and you couldn't be happier and didn't need for anything more, but you couldn't understand why he didn't seem to be so concerned with any of it any more. He had to notice them all eye fucking you constantly and the way they bit their lips at the sight of you bending over or wearing cut off shorts, the way they would brush against you on purpose. He couldn't be THAT oblivious...could he?

"Baby, why don't we ever discuss what happened?" You finally get the courage to ask as you lay together in bed.

"I don't know. I just didn't want to cause upset. I didn't know how you felt and how everyone else felt and I didn't want to say the wrong thing." He shifts towards you to look at you while he talks.

"I really am not upset about it at all. I thought maybe you just kept it inside or didn't notice the way they behaved around me." You look at his eyes, hoping what you said didn't trigger any anger from him.

"I see them, I notice and I think it is hot that everyone wants to fuck my girlfriend ten ways from Sunday. I didn't push it because I saw your reactions also and you always seemed to shy away from them.

"Of course I would shy away, I am your girlfriend. What kind of girl am I if I don't know my baby wants this and I just what drop to my knees and suck a cock or bend over and take a good fucking!" You speak shocked. Did he honestly think you should've behaved that way!

"Of course I would never want you behaving that way, you are mine and I love that you are mine. I would never want you doing any of that or anything else with anyone else unless I knew and I was there because if they hurt you or forced you or made you uncomfortable, I would hurt them." He scoffed, getting heated.

"So if Namjoon wanted to fuck me, you would what? Watch him fuck me?" You seem confused by his motives.

"How the hell do you know Namjoon wants to fuck you!" Jimin sits up in bed, looking at you wide eyed.

"I..I don't. I was just making a scenario, calm down baby." You can feel him getting hard but you can also feel him getting angry. He is so confusing sometimes.

"Besides, we would all have to agree and know that you are mine and you do nothing without me and you sleep with me every night and I am yours and you want no others, that this is just to make everyone feel good and enjoy what we all can't have while we work." Jimin runs the back of his soft hand over your cheek.

"Of course I am yours and I want no other. You make me happy, I feel safe with you and I feel connected to you. No one can ever replace that." You kiss his lips softly, easing back to laying down with you.

"Well what if they did want to fuck you? Would you? I mean I know they do, they show it. I just want everyone to be happy. And knowing how they lust at turns me on." JImin kisses you deep.

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