Chap 30

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"Let me get that." You said after you heard the knock. You start to feel nervous and forever hoping, he will come back. But, it's a torture when you're waiting and waiting, keeps holding on and you realised he really left you. He won't come back.


"What are you doing here? You told me to just, ugh, fuck off. Then you showed up like this, and casually say 'Helena'? You have planned all of this?" You said.

He's still standing there, looking at you. He's trying to find the word to say something but looks like he can't."I know you're mad and all. I'm happy to see you like this and-

"Mum." You turned around. "Honey."

"Who's he? Is that our-

You glared at him."Okay, mum." Your lil boy said as he leaves both of you alone. "Yes." You said. "I can't believe he looks, just like me? But, he's got your eyes." He said. "I know."

"I came here to see you and your family. Also, my son."

"That easy, huh?"

"No, I know I was, so harsh at you that night. I know I hurt your feelings and I shouldn't do that in the first place. I came here just to tell you that I changed my mind about the divorce. I was just, confused with what my dad said and all I can think is that thing. I realised, I shouldn't say that-

"What?No. There's no turning back. I'm happy with my new life. You said yes and, we're getting a divorce. I'm sorry but, you make me realised that  I don't need a man in my life. I'll be fine, on my own  to raise up this little boy. Sure, I will let you came here, to see him or hanging out with, our son. I don't hate you after you said but, I will definitely not forget it till my last breath." You said.

"Okay. I get it."

He followed you from behind to the dining room. Harris looked at you and you see his sorta mad when he see Harlyn. "Harlyn. How you doing, young man?"Your dad said. He takes a sit next to Hadrian. Hadrian glanced at him."Good." He said. "Harlyn, this is your mum's friend, Harlyn Hunter."

"Hi." Your little Harlyn said politely at him. "Hi." He smiled at him. You've been waiting for him to come back and met his own son. Today, it's the day. "We have the same name, boy." He said, teasing him. You stared at the food on the plate and "Obviously." You added. "Hey, do you want to have ice cream date with me?" He asked to him. It's more like whispering but, you're all at the same table so you can hear it anyway. You rolled your eyes once you see little Harlyn is excited.

"Mum, can I go out with uncle Harlyn?"

"It's late at night, sweetie. Maybe later." He nodded. "What about tomorrow? At noon?" He suggested. You keep your straight face and "Sure. Sure." You told Harlyn. He's grinning at you. He had  an interaction with your son and he's really that 'father figure' at the moment.

"Thank you for tonight."

"Yea. Thank you for coming anyway."

"Are you not like? Seeing anyone?" He asked. "Nope. Never. I'm fine with this kinda life. I want to focus on my,I mean, our little boy."

"Same. But, if you're really seeing anyone, don't hesitate to tell me. I don't mind coming to your wedding. If you're happy, then so do I. I'll cane over more often later. " You nod.

9 years later

"Mum!!! I'm home!"

"Can you please not come back home with all the dirt on your jersey?!" You said, almost scolding him. "I'm sorry. I just had a soccer practice and it's freaking raining outside." He explained. "Fine. Go take a shower."
You're still living with your parents. You want to move out but, your mum keeps reminding you not to. "Honey. So when is the press conference? Of the book you wanna publish??" she asked. You've been writing a lot all these years. You chose this life, to be a writer, and you're happy, that you're in a right path even though you always had those little voices that said it's not the life you want.

But you ignore them. You always listen to your heart instead of your mind. People may think your insane, but, listening to your heart always lead to the life you never expect yet lots to discover behind it. That's when you found, the love of your life even though it's just for awhile.

"Soon. Maybe, on Harlyn's birthday." You said.

Harlyn, he keeps coming over and your son, he finally know he's is his father. "What's it? What I just miss out??" Your dad said. "Nothing." You said to him and go to your room. You flipped through the pages of the book you're going to publish it soon. Real soon.

"Midnight Lovers." You said to yourself. You start to reminiscing  the old times, the bitter sweet memories.
You want your voice to be heard. Even if you know, no one's really interested with this paranormal romance genre.

The day finally came and you're nervous as hell when you see every familiar faces that came. Not to mention, your ex husband is there. You know it should be a secret between you and him, but, he said he's totally okay as long as you don't  mention the mansion or the real place of the vampire. It's going to be called 'tree passing' or 'intruding' their territory.

"Thank you so much for being here. I never think, this day going to come around. I wrote this book a few years back then and I'm excited to publish it. It's a bit personal to me but, writing is my passion. I did this because I want to know the others perspective. For me, everyone has their own point of view and it does matter.  I don't know what to say but thank you. "

You heard the sound of people clapping. You see those smiles of everyone you loved. You shred a tear from your eyes as you blink."I'm proud of you." Harlyn said and hugged you. "Thank you. I'm sorry I don't tell you about this pc." You said, wiping your tears."Its fine. Really,
it's. "

A few years later, you find yourself, having another wedding as you remarried your ex husband. Deja vu.

"You're mine, again."

"I know."

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