Chapter X

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Edward's pov
I then heard moaning coming from Dempsey room. I looked at Olivia as she looked at me and we walked towards the source of the noise.
"Marie! Wake up! Marie!" Dempsey shook Marie while she was struggling. It was nightmares. She turned her head in all sides, until she finally woke up. She gasped for air, panting and tears poured.
"Hey hey! It's okay. Everything is okay." Dempsey brought her up to him and hugged her, placing his face on top of her head, while she was shaking violently, and crying, her mouth was covered by her hand as she continued to sobbed.
"Marie, what happened?" Olivia asked, with a soothing tone.
"I-It's nothing!" Marie panicked. Dempsey then responded loudly.
"How can you say that?! You're crying and you were shaking violently-"
"Just shut it! Okay?! I said I'm fine!" Marie whimpers on the last word as she continued to sob some more. Dempsey looked dumbfounded, but his face turns into a gentle and calming look and wrapped his arms around her as she was pouring out.
" was my brother." She mumbles, while sniffing.
"What happened?" Olivia asked softly. Maria sniffed and replied,
"He...he was some house...we were having fun and I felt like we save him...but became black...I look...but he lied on the ground...and...and...OH IT WAS HORRIBLE!!" Marie broken down again and cried onto Dempsey's chest.
"Shh. It's okay it's okay." Dempsey hushed as he gently rocked her, stroking her back softly, and all of the while, still cradling her.
"It's not you fault." Dempsey soothes. Marie mummers with a hint of a whimper in her voice.
"Nah uh, uh, uh," Dempsey cuts her off, "Listen to me, none of this was on you. Just listen, what you did was enough for him and for anybody to do. It's okay." Dempsey whispers the last part, placing a kiss on her head. Marie's cry died down and simpler whimpers, while still clinging onto Dempsey, clutching his shirt.
"Come now, they'll be fine." I placed a hand on Olivia's shoulders and she took into consideration and we both walked out. Then Drostan came downstairs.
"Jesus lord, what's happening?"
"Drostan! I was beginning to wonder what's going on with you. How's Jefferson?" Olivia asked.
"I'm alright. So is Jeff. How are you?" Drostan then looks behind us.
"And Marie."
"She...just woke up from a nightmare." Olivia mummer with remorse.
"Hm, no surprise. Will she be-"
"Don't worry. It was just a dream. As long as she's surcome it, she'll move on from it." I replied, with positivity. Who knows.
"Maybe. I had nightmares." Jefferson comes downstairs.
"Jefferson, how are you?" Olivia queered.
"Dizzy but I've seen shit while I was sleeping."
"The Ravens? The war?" Olivia responded.
"Yeah. I feel like I just had deja vu." Jefferson commented.
"Same here." Drostan spoke up, agreeing.
"I believe that you all have something in your history, your past. Everything is coming back to you for a very reason." Takeo spoke solemnly.
"Yes. Perhaps there is a reason." I responded.
"Well whatever the reason, I'm getting some food." Drostan walks off.
"Same here." Jefferson then walks away to the kitchen. I then turned to Olivia. She and her team need help. In anyway, their situation sounded dire. I spoke to Olivia.
"We can help if you want."
"As much as I want you to help us, I think that it's best for us to handle it ourselves." Olivia responded calmly. I didn't really want her to do it herself, especially her team, but in the end, this is what she wanted, and it's her decision. So I accepted it and I walked to the kitchen, pouring some cold coffee.
"Are you sure you don't want to heat that up?"
"Its alright. I like it cold." I responded, then stated drinking. I then remembered all of the things that happened for past year that me and my team been through, then starting to remember my past and what it was like. Remembering my family up to the day I meet Maxis who was the only father that cared for me, at least a father figure I see, and nothing more. My real father didn't care much about me, except for my mother. He would constantly punish me for being so mean to my sister, like breaking one of her dolls. I don't blame him to be honest, I was rude to her and I deserved to be punished and beat up for what I did. I regretted it, but I also regret making my parents argue all the time, fighting about my constant behavior and especially my fathers abusive nature. It's all my fault. In the end, it was all my fault. Their deaths were my fault and so was Maxis's death. I gripped on the counter behind me, angered at myself and what I did. In the end, it was all my fault.

Olivia Durant x Edward Richtofen Where stories live. Discover now